Drama and Reassurance

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"Now is that a way to speak to an old friend Eren?" His ex, Aj the one whom he'd been with a year ago. Last time he knew anything about her was when she said she'd be moving, now suddenly she's here?

"What the fuck Aj? We're not friends."

"You're right, we used to be more than friends." She said as he scoffed. He needed to find Mikasa or someone because he'd be damned if he sat here in Aj's face.

"Get out of here."

"Are you still that mad at me?"

"No I just don't want to be around you."

"You used to want to."

"Why are you here?"

"Oh you want to know why I'm here but you don't want to be around me?" She said scoffing.

"Forget it, just leave me the hell alone." If he never hated someone he hated her. He hated being around her, breathing the same air as her, he couldn't stand her. "Well for your information I moved back. My Dad got transferred back here for his job, I spoke to Historia and she said she would be having a party and that everyone would be here, so I figured I could run into you and talk to you."

"Well we won't be talking."

"Why not? Last I remember you were in your feelings about our breakup. Look I'm sorry things happened the way they did. You obviously thought I used you for pleasure points but-"

"So you didn't? You're going to sit here in my face and say that bullshit as if I didn't find out? You're full of shit. You used me and thought I would sit with an idiot like you."

"Well I loved you Eren you only saw half of everything."

"Fuck off Aj, seriously." Eren said, he finally walked off away from her, hoping that she didn't follow him. He couldn't believe that she would show up here and try to make it seem like he didn't catch her talking to her friends about how he's just a means for her to get her rocks off. Fucking bullshit.

Eren eventually found Mikasa standing and talking with Sasha and a few other people he didn't know. Most of them were guys and right now he did not need to punch one of them square in their jaw if they were trying to hook up with Mikasa.

When Mikasa noticed him walking over, she walked away from the guy who was talking to her. "Eren, are you okay?" She asked.

"We need to talk." He said as she nodded. He grabbed her hand and started to pull her somewhere else in the house.

Aj was on his heels, but she ended up losing him in the crowd, she looked around a bit until she spotted Sasha, someone she was familiar with.

Sasha was preoccupied with the guys chatting with her, when a head of brown and blonde walked up, she looked dead into the dark brown eyes of said person realizing who it was. "Holy shit! Aj? What the hell are you doing here?" Ever since everything happened with Eren, the entire group pretty much cut off Aj, so when she moved away it was perfect for all of them. The only person who obviously still kept in touch with her is Historia.

"Did Eren come by here?" Aj asked.

"Why do you want to know that? You and Eren are finished." Sasha said.

"Yeah well I was trying to talk to him but he ran off somewhere." Aj said still looking around for him. Sasha narrowed her eyes at her, she definitely didn't trust her and she'd be damned if she told Aj that Eren just took off with Mikasa.

"He went upstairs." It was Jean who said it. Sasha snapped her neck in the direction of him glaring. "What? He likes talking to pretty girls." Jean shrugged.

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