New Beginnings

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The bell had rung for them to move to their next class, Mikasa watched everyone stand, grabbing their bags, quickly exiting the classroom. She was slow to move. She was looking down at her schedule trying to figure out where her next class was.

Slowly she walked out the classroom. She looked around the hallway she was on seeing if she saw her classroom, but she didn't see it. She sighed.

The hallway was filling up with students, she was going to maybe ask someone, but every attempt was futile. Everyone was either in their own conversation or they were walking too fast.

"Eren!" She could hear a high voice call out to his name. She tried following it through the commotion, atleast she could ask him or Armin if they could take her to her next class.

She was finally able to squeeze through everyone, she made it to the stairwell, at the bottom of it, she saw Eren, but he was busy. He was talking to a girl.

She couldn't interrupt him, she looked around to see if she saw Armin or the girl... Sasha.. but they weren't around. Mikasa was just going to turn around and maybe find a teacher or ask Hange.

Wrong idea. Someone wasn't paying attention to what they were doing and bumped into her, causing her to lose her balance. She tried to grab on the stair's railing but she couldn't reach it.

She closed her eyes, she was definitely expecting to go tumbling down the stairs, possibly breaking something. But that never came, instead someone had caught her.

"Hey asshole, watch where you're going." A voice had sounded

Slowly Mikasa opened her eyes, she turned seeing green eyes looking back down at her. "You alright?" He asked. It was Eren, somehow he had moved to catch her in time.

"Uh.. yeah. Thank you." Mikasa said as Eren helped her stand back up. "I'm going to go back up." She said.

"Is your next class up there?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. I was going to go back and ask if someone knew where it was." She said.

"What? You could've just asked me." He said chuckling.

"Yeah but I saw you were...preoccupied with something else, I didn't want to be rude and interrupt." She said.

Eren looked at her confused at first, then realization had hit. "Oh you saw me talking with that girl, she was just asking if I was going to the football game later this week. She's cheerleader." He said.

"Oh." Mikasa said. Of course he'd have cheerleaders running after him.

"Let me see your schedule." He said as she handed him the piece of paper. His eyes surveyed the paper looking at all of her classes.

He ended up crumbling the paper up, throwing it down the stairs. Mikasa's eyes widened watching him do so. "Why'd you do that?!" She asked.

"Because, you don't need it anymore."

"What? Yes I do, how will I know where my classes are or which subject it is?" She said. She was about to walk down the stairs to go get the paper but Eren stopped her.

"You don't need it anymore because we have the same classes, you can just follow me." He said as she looked at him. "Still, you shouldn't have balled it up Eren." She said.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry. Come on before we're late for first period, it's downstairs." He said as she nodded.

He took the lead, walking ahead of her and she followed. Along the way he spoke to a few people, alot of girls had came up to him speaking to him, mostly flirting.

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