Revisting The Past

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"Mika let me hold that." Eren said reaching for Mikasa's bag. "Eren I can hold it, we're almost to the lobby." She said. "Yeah but we've been in line for a minute now." He said as she chuckled. "Fine, here you can hold it." Mikasa said.

"Mikasa are you nervous at all?" Armin asked. "Yes, I am actually but I'm trying not to show it." She said. "If I get too anxious about it I might throw up." She said.

"We do not want that." Armin chuckled sheepishly. "Hopefully everything goes smoothly, I want this trip to be one that you can look back positively on." He smiled to her. "I want that too."

When the line progressed, Mikasa showed their tickets at the desk and they were asked to sit in the lobby until their terminal to their flight was called. Eren sat their bags down as Mikasa sat between him and Armin. "You look cute today." Eren said looking over to Mikasa who smiled at him. "Thank you, I thought it would be best to go with something comfortable so I went with this dress, it's long so it will keep my legs warm." She said.

"It looks good on you. I like it." He said as his eyes traveled down to her stomach, he couldn't help himself but look there now, the dress was hugging her figure so it showed her stomach a bit more. "Eren.. you're staring." Mikasa said softly with warm cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He looked back at her. "I can't help it."

"I know.. I stare at myself in the mirror all the time now, I know the changes will be slow but it feels like I'm changing every day." She said.

"Well that sounds like a good thing." Armin smiled. "It's good you're noticing changes it would worrying if nothing changed at all." He said.

"I guess that's true." Mikasa said. She turned when she could hear Eren's phone ringing. He dug into his pocket taking it out, he stood when he saw it was his mother, walking away from Mikasa and Armin who went back to talking.

"Hello? Mom?"

"Eren! Are you on the plane already?"

"No, we're waiting for our terminal to be called, but we'll be ready to go after that."

"Oh okay, Well I know your father already talked to you but I wanted to check in too, I want you to be safe and be mindful of your surroundings. Also take care of Mikasa, I know her morning sickness and nausea have been bad, so please watch over her closely to ensure her safety and health."

"I know Mom, we have everything covered." Eren said looking over to Mikasa and Armin. "Good and tell Armin I said hello and that he's in charge if things go crazy. I trust that brain of his in drastic situations."

"Oh my brain isn't capable?" Eren said as his mother chuckled. "That's not it, you just tend to act before thinking, and that's not always the best thing in a crisis so having someone who can analyze a scene quickly and to have an idea on how to fix it is just a little better."

"I guess." Eren rolled his eyes as his mother laughed over the phone. "Is that Eren?" Another voice sounded.

"Was that Mikasa's Aunt?" Eren asked. "Yes, we're both out and about, just doing a little shopping, we're looking for baby clothes." His mother said as Eren's eartips burned hearing her say that. It still hasn't fully sunk in that him and Mikasa would soon have to do the same thing as they start preparing for their child to get here. "Already? I mean we don't even know the gender Mom."

"Yeah but it's best to start early than late, plus we're buying unisex clothes for them. We're going to get some diapers and baby wipes too."

"Tell Eren to tell Mikasa I'll be calling her shortly!" Kuchel said. "Understood I'll tell her." Eren said. "I actually need to get going so I can listen for the terminal." Eren said. "I love you Mom."

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