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"Oh my, you're running a fever Eren." His mother said as she sat on the edge of his bed touching his forehead. It was Christmas day, she was wondering why it was taking him a while to get up and join them in the living room. "How long did you stay out last night?" She asked.

"I don't know." He said throwing an arm over his head. "Mikasa started getting sick last night, I could've gotten it from her."

"God, you kids know this weather can take you out. Did you kiss her? Is that how you caught her cold?"

"I kissed her before she started showing signs of being sick. She was sneezing alot though, but she was covering her nose every time." Eren said. "Do we have some medicine?" He asked.

"I'll give you some after you eat." She said. "I'll bring some soup in just a minute." She said as Eren nodded.

He didn't start to feel sick until later in the night while he slept. He began to sweat bullets and even contracted a cough. He doesn't think Mikasa got him sick but that he underestimated the weather last night.

His phone started ringing and honestly he didn't have the strength to reach over and grab it. He let it ring until it stopped. Then it started again, it must've been one of his friends.

He mustered up enough strength to get it, he looked to see it was Mikasa calling him. He answered it. "Hello?" He said.

"Merry Christmas Eren." Her voice was seriously raspy, she sounded worse than she did last night. "Woah, what happened to your voice?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night throwing up, it made my throat sore. Plus my fever didn't go down."

"Well we're in the same boat."

"You're sick too? God Eren I'm so sorry.. it's my fault."

"No it's mine, the date was good and all but I suppose I could've found someplace with a heater. So it's okay."

"Are we still meeting later? I really wanted to see you.. but if you're sick you'll probably want to rest."

"No, I'm still coming to get you. My Mom has some face masks we'll wear them, and if you want we can both quarantine in my room." He said

"Are you sure? Will your family be comfortable with the both of us around being sick like this?"

"They shouldn't as long as we have the masks and medicine in our system." He said. "Plus Mom has a gift for you, she wanted to give it to you today."

"Yeah my Aunt bought one for you too. So what time are you coming to get me?"

"Maybe 2pm.. I'm still tired." He said.

"That's fine.. I'm still in bed too. I hope I feel a little better by then."

"You and me both."

"I'll see you later then Eren.. get some rest."

"You too." He said to her as she hung up. He groaned, he couldn't believe they're sick on Christmas of all days to be sick. "Here Eren, it's some soup and here's some medicine, eat first." Carla said walking in and setting everything on his nightstand.

When she did she looked at the picture of Mikasa that was there. "When did you get this picture? She looks very beautiful in it." Carla said as Eren looked to the side. "A friend gifted it to us last night. It's a matching picture, Mikasa has the one with me in it."

"That's so adorable." Carla smiled. "You never told me how everything went by the way. Did she like the ring?"

"She loved it." Eren said with a small smile. "Everyone thought it was an engagement ring." He said.

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