First Love

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"Here you go sir, your vanilla frozen yogurt with chocolate toppings." Mikasa said handing the customer his items, he happily smiled and thanked her as he turned around and left the store.

"Wow, you're really good to only be working here for 2 months." Her manager walked up to her. Her name was Petra, she was the boss around here with her employees being Mikasa and a couple of guys Petra knew.

"Yeah well it's only fixing frozen yogurt it's not really hard." She said.

"Yeah but you'd be surprised how many people struggle after being here longer than you have." She said. "So... how's Levi?" Petra asked.

Ah, of course, Mikasa knew it was coming. Ever since she's gotten this job she's been asking her about her cousin. At first Mikasa was confused on why, but then she watched Petra talk about Levi and realized she liked him. She just didn't understand why Petra didn't walk out to talk to him when he drops her off or picks her up.

"He's fine." Was all Mikasa could answer.

"Really? That's good, what did he do today?" Mikasa had no clue, half of the day she was at school and the other half she was at work. She barely even see's him unless it's on a weekend when she stays home.

"I'm not sure, I was at school today. I do know he was cleaning though."

"Man it must be so good living with him." She said as Mikasa cocked a brow. "Are you sure about that? Don't use a coaster on the table and watch how fast he freaks. Honestly he should be a janitor with how much he loves his cleaning supplies." Mikasa said as Petra started laughing. "That's definitely Levi, he was like that in high school too, I think he just has OCD."

"Oh yeah? Makes sense. Other than the obsessive cleaning he's pretty chill." Mikasa said. "I'm going to go grab more containers we're running out up here." Mikasa said as Petra nodded. "I'll watch the front for a minute then." She said.

Mikasa ended up opening a new box of containers, as she was collecting them, Petra called for her to come back up front. "In a minute!" She yelled back.

"Mikasa a guy is here to see you!" Petra yelled back. Mikasa stopped in her tracks trying to think of who would come to her job looking for her. Then she remembered, she chuckled to herself at the realization.

"Eren." She spoke to herself smiling. She left the containers where they were and walked back up to the front of the store.

There standing in front of the counter was Eren, in one of his many sweat suits and a snapback hat turned backwards. He was busying himself with the little decoration's they had on the counter."Eren?" Mikasa said as he looked up at her. A big smile made his face. It was always so charming.

"Hey you." He said happily. "I came for some frozen yogurt." He added.

"Is that all you came for?" She asked as he laughed lowly. "No, I came to see you too." He smirked as she chuckled.

Mikasa turned to Petra who stood there awkwardly, as if she was waiting to be introduced. "Eren, this is my manager Petra and Petra this is my....." Mikasa paused looking at Eren whose grin widened on his face.

Energetically he extended his hand. "Her boyfriend." He said as Mikasa turned away a bit embarrassed. "Mikasa! I didn't know you had a boyfriend, we've been working together for almost 3 months and you never mentioned it!"

"Well it just came to be today." Eren butted in.

"Well it's nice to meet you! Mikasa you can take your break if you want to talk to him. I don't mind." Petra said as Mikasa nodded.

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