Figuring It Out

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Mikasa's palms were sweating, she was fidgeting, and she was on the verge of spiraling just from standing in front of Eren's parents, her Aunt and cousin. She knew it was time to break the news to them.

Eren was standing beside her and that made her feel a little better in a way. "So, are we going to sit here and keep staring at eachother?" Levi spoke up.

"Right.. Sorry about that." Eren said. "Well um.. I guess we can get straight to the point." He said as him and Mikasa looked at one another. She nodded and so did he. "I um.. went to the doctor today.. to find out why I've been feeling a bit different...and I did a pee test..and it came back..saying that I'm..that I'm... pregnant." Mikasa said trying to get the last part out quickly.

The room held a very deafening silence. Mikasa couldn't take it, her anxiety was through the roof. Eren tried to console her by grabbing her hand but she wasn't sure if that was even working.

"Pregnant?" Kuchel spoke up. Mikasa looked at her Aunt. "Yes Auntie." She said in a soft voice. "Okay.. um Wow.. I.. Okay... mean.. when?" Kuchel asked.

"Christmas." Eren said as Mikasa nodded.

"I see." She said as she looked down at the ground quizzically. "You two do understand the weight this holds right? You're going to have a child." Grisha spoke up. "Did you two think having unprotected sex wouldn't lead to his?" He asked.

"We knew what it could lead to." Eren said. "It was only once.. but as we all know it only takes one time to do anything that can change your life. We are going to take full responsibility of our actions." He said.

"It was a mistake.. but we'll learn from it.. even if it means having the baby...we know we messed up but we ask that we can have your support while we go through this together." Mikasa said. "We understand if you guys choose not to. Eren and I are prepared to take responsibility and be accountable for our actions." She said as she looked at everyone in the room.

Carla sighed. "Well it's good to know that you both are mature enough to understand what's going on and that you're ready to take responsibility. We all were once your age and we all have made mistakes that have changed our lives. Happy ones and not so happy ones. We as parents and your family would never abandon you in a time like this. Are we disappointed? Yes, because I'm sure we've spoken to you both how important safe sex practice is, but things happen, we get it. You'll both be graduating soon, and before the baby is born and after it's born we'll all be here as supporters, but it's up to you two to understand it won't be about you anymore, you'll have to learn to work to provide and to make a happy and healthy life for this baby. As long as you both can do that, you have our support 110%." Carla said.

Mikasa covered her face and immediately the tears started. She didn't want to cry but she was just so overwhelmed with so many emotions. She was expecting to be yelled at and told something completely different.. but she was very grateful that they said they will support them.

"Don't cry sweetheart." Kuchel said getting up walking over hugging her niece. Carla joined in as well. "Everything Carla said is right, as long as you two do the main part in everything, we'll always be here to support you." She added.

"" Mikasa said continuing to cry. She turned from them to Eren who welcomed her to cry on with him open arms. "We promise to do everything you mentioned." He said.

"You better." Levi spoke. "Having a kid isn't easy... so just make sure you both have one another's backs in this. Having outside support is great and all but you also have to make sure your support for one another is strong." He said.

"We will." Mikasa pulled away wiping her face. "We promise." She added.

"Well then that's that. We suppose we'll be up to date with future appointments so we can know how we all should move on as far as buying essentials go." Grisha said.

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