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"Eren... wake up or you'll be late." Mikasa softly nudged Eren as he slept. It was finally Monday and Eren stayed over the entire weekend to be with her, but today was the day he had to go. He had school and he needed to get back to his own home to make sure everything was okay there. "Eren, God you're such a deep sleeper." Mikasa said moving her hair out of her face to behind her ear.

She had gotten up early to shower and to touch up her face so she could look a little more presentable when she officially meets with Dr. Harris in a few. She wore a matching sweat suit set that was suede and black with a tiny white outlined cat on the upper right corner of her jacket.

"Fine,be late." She said getting out of the bed going back to sit at her vanity in her room. She grabbed her hairbrush and quietly brushed her hair looking in the mirror at herself. She was grateful for makeup, she had the worse dark circles but with some dabs of foundation and concealer she was looking a little more refreshed.

The sound of Eren's phone alarm startled her a bit, but when she looked over she watched Eren lazily search for his phone without actually moving. He finally sat up rubbing his eyes, his hair hanging and loose and all over the place. He finally grabbed his phone shutting off the alarm.

A loud yawn erupted from Eren as he stretched and moved the blankets off of his body. He was shirtless wearing gray sweatpants. He scooted to the edge of the bed, finally realizing Mikasa wasn't in bed.

He turned his head to find her looking at him with an amused smile on her face. "How long have you been up?" Eren said with a raspy deep voice yawning again. "Maybe 2 hours now. I wanted to get ready early to give you time to get ready for school." Mikasa said.

"Aren't you meeting with Dr. Harris today? I wanted to stay for that." Eren said standing. Mikasa stood as well walking over to him. "As much as I would like that, I can't let you, you have to go to school and plus I want to be able to do this on my own." Mikasa said.

"But-" Eren was cut off when Mikasa put a finger to his lips. "No buts Eren, you can't keep missing school. You need to go, especially with your exams being everywhere, you don't need to miss anything important." Mikasa said.

She slowly moved her fingers with a soft smile on her face as Eren looked down at her. "Fine." He said. "But I'll be checking on you."

"I appreciate that." She said resting her hands on his chest. "Now go and get ready before you're super late."

Eren wrapped his arms around her pulling her in closer, while continuing to take her in. "You look very pretty." He said kissing her forehead. "Thank you." She said softly. "I wanted to look more like me and not the disheveled mess I've been lately."

"That's a start in the right direction. Getting back to your old routines." Eren said. "Yeah, I guess so." Mikasa said. "I can do this." She said looking up at him.

"Yes you can." He said bending down kissing her quickly. "I'll get ready now." He said smiling. "You do that." Mikasa said pecking his lips one last time before
they both moved and continued to get ready for today.

"You even made breakfast? Wow you're being very productive today." Eren said looking at the plate of waffles in front of him. "Well I figured I should atleast do that so you're not scrounging around for food or snacks at school." Mikasa said setting the syrup in front of Eren near his plate.

Eren narrowed his eyes before raising his eyebrows and looking down at his plate smiling. "I see what this is now."

Mikasa chuckled. "And what exactly is it? Me taking care of my fiancé?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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