Good Times

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Mikasa was purely exhausted, these people were simply made different. After a few hours at the fair, they all decided they wanted to eat out and now they're on their way back to Armin's to watch movies for the rest of the night.

She didn't know how she would survive with them at all. "Did you see how scared you were when it stopped at the very top?" Eren said reminiscing about their recent adventure getting stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel.

"Eren hush because you were squeezing my hand just as tight." Mikasa said with her arms crossed hearing Eren's laugh fill the car. "No admit it you were scared."

"I was, we were sitting at the very top of that damn wheel. Then you had to audacity to rock the cart a little bit." She said.

"Hey it made you sit closer to me, I'm not complaining." Eren said as Mikasa scoffed.

"Were you guys actually stuck?" Armin asked.

"No, they were letting someone else onto it. It has to stop for that." Eren said. "Mikasa here thought we'd met our doom."

"Yeah yeah keep rubbing it in." She said. "Don't worry Mika, you're cute when you're all scared and what not." Eren said as Mikasa blushed turning away looking out the window embarrassed.

"So what about you Armin, what did you go on?" Eren asked. "Only a few rides, I ended up going in the love tunnel with Annie of all people." He said blushing. "It wasn't supposed to happen."

"What? Isn't that good? A step closer!" Eren said.

"No! It's not good! Annie is dating Bertolt, the only reason he didn't go with her is because Reiner had pulled him to go on something else. Annie was curious about the love tunnel and pulled me to go with her. I didn't mind but I didn't want Bertolt or anyone to get the wrong idea."

"Well let's be honest, Bertolt isn't making Annie happy. I don't think i've seen her smile once when being with him, if anything they're always arguing or something."

"Yeah well that's their business, I have no right butting in because of my feelings." Armin said.

"Well Annie seems to not mind. I'm starting to think she likes you too."

"Yeah right. Annie hasn't showed any interest in me, it's just a one sided crush, I'll probably get over it pretty soon."

"Armin you've been saying that since freshman year, we're seniors now."

"Ugh whatever Eren, just drive." Armin said as Eren chuckled. Who was he if he didn't tease his friends. Soft snores were heard from the passenger seat. He looked over to see Mikasa, fast asleep her arms were crossed over her chest hugging the plushy he'd won for her at the fair. Her head was tilted leaning on the door of the car.

"Look at this sleepy head." Eren said. He smiled seeing she was actually holding the plushy, sleeping with it like she said she would.

"Let her sleep Eren, she's probably super tired. She's not used to being out with us for long yet."

"Yeah I know."

Pulling up to Armin's house they were the first to arrive. The others must've stopped at other places on the way there. "Atleast it will be quiet for a moment." Armin said.

"Yeah, a moment of silence." Eren said. Behind him was a sleepy Mikasa, she was yawning and was just ready to get back in the warmth to get comfortable and lay on something soft.

Walking inside she slipped her shoes off, following Eren and Armin to the living room. She had found comfort back on the couch, lifting her feet up laying her head on the arm of the couch.

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