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"Xiao zhan" wang yibo calls out when he sees both wen qing and xiao zhan shocked and speechless in front of him, " sorry please sit do you need anything "
" no am fine but I bought some things for yuan if that is fine"
" of course, it is we can grab it when we are going," Xiao Zhan says immediately does he dare to question wang yibo of course not he does not have a death wish he thinks but he catches wang yibo looking at a yuan in wen qing hands like he wants to hold him, xiao zhan does not want wang yibo to carry a yuan or even come near him but he knows that now that wang yibo is here there is no way they can avoid that situation so he asks " wang you do you want to hold him, he says taking a yuan from wen qing, Wang yibo is surprised he had not thought xiao zhan would let him touch a yuan so he nods his head and when the baby is placed in his arms wang yibo feels an as though some part of him is finally filled he cannot believe that such a miracle was made by him and xiao zhan ever since he was little he only knew how to destroy things not make them and now this little miracle us in his hands
He watches as the baby squirms but otherwise does not cry rather he studies wang yibo's face for a while then he smiles thus also making wang yibo unconsciously smile back too.
A yuan who has started recognizing faces is entranced by this new face that he is seeing, it is different from those he sees every day curious he raises his hands and pah is the sound that everyone hears he keeps slapping wang yibo as if slapping his face would help him memorize it, xiao zhan soul has already ascended from the first slap and Wen qing tries to muffle her laughter before xiao zhan can truly panic wang yibo let's out a loud laugh and a yuan thinking that he is going something good starts clapping so he alternates between clapping and slapping his fathers face similar happily.
Xiao zhan looks at the scene in front of him and thinks this father and son are quite a silly playing this kind of game and not even caring about other people that might see them, for xiao zhan this is a dream come true he always wanted his baby to have a complete family butt because if the past he dares a not hope for it and today, wang yibo had given him his dream but he knows it would not last long, this is not a fairy tale that has a happily ever after there must be a reason why wang yibo has come back into their lives but for this moment he wants to live in this happiness that he has craved ever since he was a child.

It takes a while but Yuan does get tired and sleepy so Wen Qing carries him giving the couple space to talk she does not go too far, even with his docile behavior, and does not trust wang yibo at all and decides to keep xiao zhan in her field of vision.
Wang Yibo looks at xiao zhan for a moment before he starts talking "Look xiao then I know you have not forgiven me and that you might never forgive me what I did to you was unimaginable and cruel, I hurt you not only physically but also emotionally and mentally am not a good person and I have never pretended to be maybe if it was someone else I did what I did to you too I might not apologize or even try to gain forgiveness the only reason am going this for you is because I love you and I do want to send the rest of my life with you , I know you done believe me that is why I will prove it to you, I probably y should let you go I should let you live your life with someone else and be happy but I cannot do that because I don't know how to let go , that us why I will try my best to win not just your trust but also your love, I came here for only you but meet g a than and holding him I realize there is more to life than just being such or powerful I had a taste of family and I want to experience waking up everyday with my family walkng a yuan to school , having little moments in life that are so domestic but actually powerful and more important than anything in the world and I don't want to force my way in I want to be welcomed in , so xiao zhan no matter what I will do my best to be some a person worthy of you and yuan , I will learn to love and cherish you, learn what you like and dislike , learn to support you and most importantly learn to make you and a yuan smile because of genuine happiness."
Wang Yibo says all this but he still feels he has not said enough to make Xiao zhan realize how much he wants to make him happy because Xiao zhan deserves all the happiness in the world and even that would not be enough.

Hello everyone, am sorry for not updating have been busy with school work and still busy until next week, am sorry for the short updates too. Hope everyone has been well, thank you for your votes and comments ❤️❤️❤️

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