I Miss Him

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Wang Yibo had slowly but surely started to feel the absence of Xiao zhan in his life for the past years he had grown closer to him but now that he is no longer around he looks for zhan shadow everywhere, no he doesn't want to think about Xiao zhan but Cheng Xiao she is the one he is in love with or so he thought.
Cheng Xiao had started behaving strangely ever since Xiao zhan left she could leave the house for as days and come back snappy with the servants, she no longer asked about Wang Yibo and was not clinging to him when zhan was there she never left Yibo's side but after he left she completely changed to a different person the Cheng Xiao that Wang yibo knew was polite, kind and likable but this Cheng xiao was a nightmare and a menace everyone hated her a lot and the servants avoided her.
It got to the extent some of the old servants of the mansion quit because of her, one day Cheng Xiao went into the room where Xiao zhan used to stay and ordered that the room be cleaned up. Wang Yibo had come home that day to see Zhan's stuff outside the gate so he had asked the maid why the luggage was outside.
" Why are these luggage outside"
" Sir this is Mr Xiao's luggage and the madam has told us to get rid of it " Wang Yibo did not know why but the thought of getting rid of Zhan's luggage was unbearable to him.
" Take all the luggage back inside and if she asks I told you to take it back " he ordered before going into the house to find Cheng Xiao he doesn't see her and he is told by the servant that she just left the house this makes wang yibo more angry as he storms inside the house.
He had thought his relationship with Cheng Xiao would grow after Xiao zhan left but it seemed to be getting worse, she only come to meet him for money after she leaves and he wonders if it was worth it letting go of zhan for her, that night Wang yibo enters Xiao zhan room for the first time after he had left and saw only zhan luggage and his empty room he snorts to himself what did he expect Xiao zhan to be there after he had blackmailed him and forced himself on him.
But the truth is that he cannot stop thinking about zhan he is about to leave when his legs hit Xiao Zhan's bag and his clothes pour onto the floor he sighs and bends down to arrange himself when he sees a necklace that was just the same as the one that Cheng xiao gave him he runs up to his room and search the drawers where he finds the second one, slowly he pieces them together and sees that they fit .he can hear his heart leaping in his chest as if it wants to burst why does xiao zhan have this ring when Cheng Xiao had said she lost it he feels dizzy the reason why he had known that it was Cheng xiao that saved him was that when he woke up on the hospital bed she had been there and said she helped him escape they had started dating shortly after and he had asked about the necklace but she said she lost it while  escaping.
Wang Yibo is snapped out of his thoughts when he hears the sound of a car parking it is Cheng Xiao he knows what to do to confirm his suspicious so he goes to meet her at the doorway,
" Are you just coming home now?" he asks from the top of the stairs as he moves slowly towards her he remembers that he had never shown Cheng Xiao the necklace but only asked for it.
" Yes I had something to do"
" Okay I just want to ask for your opinion on a gift for a business partner"
"Fine but I hope it won't take long"
"Of course not I know how tired you are" he says before showing her the necklace. he watches as she inspects it.
" Hmmph, you have been scammed are you an idiot this is a cheap jade you should return it from where you bought it," she says as she moves to go upstairs.
"wait, that night you saved me, did you remember how many times they hurt you when you tried to protect me" Wang Yibo sees as her body stiffen at the question before replying" I don't remember much about that day because it was traumatic for me, why are you asking,"
"It's nothing good night "
"Good night " she replies as she goes to her room.
Wang Yibo watches her go before walking back slowly to his room it must be that she forgot after all the experience was traumatic he tries to reason with himself but he can't believe the excuse that he gives, so he decides to ask that man for the truth. That night his savior never intervened when his kidnapper hurt him because they were kept in separate warehouses but he was saved when the other ran to him and helped him out he was delirious so he did not see the person's face.

The gate of a prison facility opens and from inside comes a big buffy man with a rough face and big muscles he sits down on the chair separating him from his visitor.
"Wow what a surprise never thought I would see you again," the man says
" Am not here for you to play I came with a question the person you kidnapped with me was it a girl"
"Girl pfft I guess he could be called a girl after all he was very beautiful and especially that mole on his innocent face made him attract predators but he was a strong one you know when we kidnapped him he told us the Jiang family wouldn't give a dime for him and he was right, ya know we called his family out it on speaker so they could hear how we hurt but they hung up saying they wouldn't pay a dime for him, I mean we only roughed him up a little but the scars littering his body wow the Jiang family were even crueler than us his limp was caused by them I swear you rich families are insane" the man says as he laughs like he was telling a joke.
But Wang Yibo was using everything in him to not Break his glass and beat the man to a pulp he takes a deep breath he can go home and breakdown but not here in front of people he stands up and walk away the laughter of the man still ringing in his ears

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