sorry i hurt you

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Wang Yibo took a moment to compose himself before addressing Xiao Zhan, who watched him with a concerned expression. His heart raced, but he managed to shake off the overwhelming emotions.

"I've been thinking about what you said the other day," he began, causing Xiao Zhan to tense up, unsure of what would come next. Wang Yibo continued, "You were right. I'm a selfish and arrogant jerk who doesn't deserve you."

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened in surprise as Wang Yibo confessed, "All my life, I've been used to getting whatever I wanted. But for the first time, when I decided not to marry you, my family didn't agree. It was the first time I didn't get what I wanted, and I think it fueled my resentment towards you. I'm not saying this as an excuse," he added, noticing Xiao Zhan's glare, "I'm just admitting that I grew up selfish. I let myself believe that if I found you again, you would simply come back to me, and we could start a family with Yuan. I forgot that the things I did to you couldn't be erased easily, and for that, I'm sorry. From now on, I'll do whatever it takes to make amends."

Xiao Zhan was taken aback. Not only had Wang Yibo apologized, but he also acknowledged his own character flaws and constructed the sentences with sincerity.   

Before Xiao Zhan could utter a response, Wang Yibo pressed on, "I've been called back home due to urgent work. It'll take a month, but I'll be back. I'm leaving this afternoon. I want us to use this time to reflect on our relationship, Xiao Zhan. I won't lie to you; I'm not good enough to let you go. But I can work with you to mend our relationship, no matter how challenging. I'll try to listen and be more considerate, but know that I can't let you go, and for that, I'm sorry," Wang Yibo conveyed sincerely.

"I understand. You might have come here because you needed me, and you're only behaving this way because it's me. I know your character, Wang Yibo. You can't let go of what you consider yours," Xiao Zhan thought, smiling grimly. "You're right. Let's use this month to think about it," he replied aloud.

"I want to ask you something, Xiao Zhan. Why did you accept me on the first day I came to you? Why did you decide to give me another chance?" Wang Yibo inquired.

There was a thoughtful silence as Xiao Zhan contemplated his response before finally opening his mouth. "The truth is, I was scared. I mean, you're Wang Yibo, the owner of one of the biggest corporations and so powerful. What if, on that day, I said no, and you decided to hurt the Wens or take Yuan away from me? So, I guess the truth is just that I was scared, and I still am," he admitted with a nervous laugh.

Wang Yibo clenched his fist tightly upon hearing Xiao Zhan's honest admission. Then he said, "Then I will work hard to make you not afraid of me anymore. See you later, Xiao Zhan," with a bright smile before leaving, leaving the other man stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

After Wang Yibo left, life gradually returned to a semblance of normalcy, with him sending flowers every day and checking in on Xiao Zhan and Yuan through regular phone calls. These conversations didn't delve into significant matters; instead, they revolved around simple inquiries like "How are you?" or "Have you eaten?" He expressed genuine interest in their well-being and the details of their day. Xiao Zhan reciprocated by sharing videos of Yuan's everyday activities—capturing moments like his first steps or attempts at eating his toy blocks and climbing higher surfaces.

One particular incident stood out when Yuan threw a tantrum because he wasn't allowed to eat a book. Amused by the spectacle, Xiao Zhan recorded it and sent the video to Wang Yibo. Concerned, Wang Yibo immediately called back, his worry apparent in his voice. However, the situation quickly turned humorous as Xiao Zhan burst into laughter. Yuan, who had been crying, heard Wang Yibo's voice through the iPad used for video calls. In response, he crawled towards the device, seized it from Xiao Zhan, and said "hello" in his adorable voice, prompting both parents to coo over their child.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The incident had happened on a normal day in the cozy living room, Yuan sat on the floor surrounded by an array of colorful toys. His small hands eagerly reached for a book, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. Xiao Zhan, observing from a distance, decided it was time to intervene, gently taking the book away before could decide to put it in his mouth as he had started to do with anything he saw now.

Yuan's face transformed from innocent curiosity to a pouty frown. The corners of his eyes wrinkled, and his lower lip quivered. Xiao Zhan couldn't help but find the toddler's display adorable, so he quickly grabbed his phone and started recording.

As the tantrum unfolded, Yuan's cries filled the room. Xiao Zhan bit his lip to stifle his laughter, but the mirth still shone in his eyes. He sent the video to Wang Yibo with a lighthearted caption, knowing it would bring a smile to his face.

Within moments, Xiao Zhan's phone rang with Wang Yibo's caller ID. He answered, still chuckling. "Hey, Yibo, you won't believe what's happening right now."

Concern laced Wang Yibo's voice as he asked, "What's wrong? Why is he crying?"

Xiao Zhan reassured him between giggles, "No need to worry. He's just upset because I took a book away from him."

The sincerity in Wang Yibo's worry melted into confusion, and then Xiao Zhan burst into another fit of laughter. "It's not a big deal. Watch this." Xiao Zhan turned the camera to capture Yuan's tear-streaked face.

As the video played, Wang Yibo's expression shifted from concern to amusement. Seeing Yuan cry, Wang Yibo asked, "Is he okay? Why's he so upset?"

Before Xiao Zhan could respond, Yuan, still holding the iPad, heard Wang Yibo's voice. His crying ceased abruptly, and his attention shifted to the device. The little one, with wide eyes and a wet nose, managed a small hiccup before his tiny voice rang out, "Hello."

The unexpected greeting from Yuan caught both Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo by surprise. Xiao Zhan burst into laughter again, this time joined by Wang Yibo, who was undoubtedly enchanted by the adorable interruption. Yuan, seemingly satisfied with his performance, giggled and babbled, his eyes sparkling with innocence.

The shared laughter bridged the physical distance between them, making Wang Yibo feel more connected to the everyday moments of Xiao Zhan and Yuan's lives.

Within wang Yibo's corporate realm, employees began witnessing a different side to their typically cold boss after his return. He seemed constantly engrossed in his phone, displaying unexpected smiles during conversations. Surprisingly, he became less stringent, earning the gratitude of the staff. Although they couldn't fathom the cause of this positive change, they appreciated the newfound approachability of their boss, who managed to maintain, if not enhance, his effectiveness at work.

For Wang Yibo, the month away from Xiao Zhan and Yuan had a profound impact on their relationship. Despite the physical distance, their emotional connection deepened through frequent conversations. He felt a newfound lightness and happiness, evident even to Mama Wang and Papa Wang. When asked about the source of his joy, Wang Yibo candidly shared that he had found Xiao Zhan. Mama Wang, delighted with the news, issued a playful threat to Wang Yibo, cautioning him against causing any harm to Xiao Zhan again. In response, Wang Yibo snorted, "I won't. I now realize how precious he is, and I won't lose it." Father Wang simply nodded approvingly at his son's commitment to happiness and growth.

Hi everyone i really appreiate the comment,votes and following thank you so much for them. Also am sorry for not updating for a long time .

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