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The phone rings for a while before it is picked up the voice of a woman can be heard "Xiao Zhan you better have a good reason for calling on my night shift or so help me ".
"Qing Jie why are you so aggressive " Xiao Zhan says laughing.
" keep laughing until I get my hands on you, "Wen Qing says but she is not that angry her tone although harsh carries a hint of fondness
" Qing jie" Xiao Zhan calls but does not say anything
Wen Qing knows it must be something important if Xiao zhan is so serious
" Qing jie he found us, he came this night" xiao zhan does not need to explain who 'he' is when Ning already knows he is talking about wang yibo." what! Are you alright, are you hurt? "
She says hysterically
" no am fine but.. " Xiao Zhan pauses for a moment before recounting everything that happened "Now I don't know what to do, did I make the right decision giving him another chance there is nothing I could have done and if I had ran how do I know he won't catch me and bring me back. Am afraid Qing Jie"
For the first time, Xiao Zhan has admitted to being scared in front of Wen Qing she can hear him holding back tears " It's okay, Xiao Zhan you made the right decision how about I come over tomorrow when you meet him, don't carry I won't do anything to get him angry okay I just want to be there for you"
" Thanks, Qing Jie I appreciate it"
" you are welcome, should I call Wenning to come over tonight"
" no don't worry him, am fine I just wanted someone to talk to see you tomorrow " They exchanged pleasantries before hanging up the phone. Xiao Zhan's mind finally found relief, now he is not as alone as before he has a family and someone to stand up for him. He won't be a coward no matter what if wang yibo starts to show signs that he is going back to how he was before xiao zhan will take his son and run away far away. He sighs closes his eyes and goes to sleep.
Wen Qing falls deep in thought after the call, she cannot fathom why wang you would come back to xiao zhan or even ask for forgiveness, she scratches her head in frustration before deciding to forget it she will ask him tomorrow, it doesn't matter who he is or how rich he us he cannot get away with treating her friend like how he treated him before.
The hotel room wang yibo is in is luxurious and big the suite looks like a house on it, wang yibo lies on the big bed in the room he can not stop thinking about the fact that xiao zhan had given birth to a child, their child. This brings a little smile to his face but it slowly falls off as he remembers that he had not been there and he had missed xiao zhan pregnancy and his childbirth because of that bitch cheng xiao he really should have tortured. her more.
He groans removing the thought from his mind, he would rather imagine meeting his baby tomorrow thankfully the child has not grown too much so he can grow to know him as his dad but he also feels sad a the things he missed like his child first word and first talk.
All these thoughts drumming in his mind make him unable to sleep so he takes his laptop and googles different stages of pregnancy, when he reads about the morning sickness he cannot help but admire Xiao Zhan's strength because he remembers the report Xiao zhan gave him he was diagnosed with excessive morning sickness, underweight and malnourished all this made xiao zhan body weaker making him have a difficult pregnancy he did not stop vomiting until he was seven months along. That night wang yibo does not sleep searching for different things on the Internet.
. ..
The next morning Xiao Zhan woke up early to start preparing the cafe cafe once it was 8 his employees came so he hurriedly went upstairs to take care of a yuan to get him ready he was dressing his son when his door his pushed open and front of him stands Wen Qing resembling a revenge goddess, she raise her eyebrow at him questioning
Why she was different today
" what, am going to meet that scumbag at least I need to make sure he doesn't think he can just bully you as he did before so you better appreciate my efforts."
" yes yes you are right and I am grateful," he says arranging his room that was scattered when they were looking for yuan clothes.
Xiao zhan although he is not saying he is an emotional wreck on the inside but  doesn't show it , he wants to take a yuan and run away from wang yibo and go to a foreign country.

Am sorry about the late update I will try to update more since I might have time, thank you to all of you who have voted❤️❤️❤️ and all my readers. Pls keep supporting the novel, I
Will make sure to update tomorrow.  Thank you.

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