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"Mr.wang, good evening, " Jiang Fengmain says still bowing he doesn't dare to sit as wang yibo has not told him to sit yet. He can't help but be nervous because wang yibo had always been respectful to him even though he was cold but now the way wang yibo was looking at him seemed like he was the prey and wang yibo was the predator this thought makes sweat start forming on his forehead but he doesn't dare to clean it so he remains standing.

Wang Yibo looks at the man in front of him as he started sweating buckets, he lets him stew for a while before directing him to sit down. He knows the man would not dare to go against anything he says. Wang, you can't help but be reminded that it was this cowardice that let xiao zhan suffer so much at the hands of madam gu and the Jiang family this thought sends a wave of anger to both himself and the man in front of him he was after all was said and done part of the reason xiao zhan life was so horrible he was a terrible husband.

Every month he sent a lot of money to his husband's account at the time they were married not knowing his husband never had access to it, he had thought Xiao Zhan was pretending to not spend money because he had not seen him but anything new but he had seen debit alerts on his phone. Xiao Zhan had been wearing the same few clothes that he had brought from home till he left the wang mansion, sometimes he wanted to teach xiao zhan a lesson and he would make sure there were no groceries in the house so that xiao zhan would use his own money to eat but what wang you did not know was that during this time xaio zhan would not eat as he did not have money and he also could not work as everyone knew his face as the husband of wang bo.

Wang Yibo tries to remove the thought and guilt from his mind so he could teach Jiang Fengmain a lesson he watches as jiang fengmain sits down.
"Father-in-law, I called you today to talk about my late husband, you know these past few days I have been thinking about him so I decided to investigate his past..." he trails off meaningfully aware of the fact that his father-in-law has started shaking on his seat.
Jiang Fengmain could not believe what he was hearing right all these tears they had pretended to love Xiao Zhan and presented him to the world as spoiled but that was far from the truth, they had not bothered to hide their evil doings and if anyone investigate they would immediately know what happened to xiao zhan when he was under their household he clenches his fist trying not to show any emotions but wang yibo already sees his flustered face and secretly smiled he would enjoy this game with the Giants.

" you know I found some inconsistency in the story given to the world and what happened, I found out that the first week he came into the Jiang household at the tender age of eight after spending two weeks on the street his arm was broken in two places and he had whip scars on his back placed there by madam yo.

This information causes Jiang Fengmain to still and turn white he remembers that day that was when Jiang Cheng Digs had to be sent away because Xiao Zhan was scared of dogs after what he faced in the streets that day he had come back from giving the dog away and he had found xaio zhan passed out in the ancestral hall kneeling .red was seeping rapidly through his clothes but he had continued kneeling that day jiang fengmain had not done anything but called his family doctor to treat xiao zhan. He did not reprimand his wife and this had given Madam Yo the guts to do whatever she wanted with Xiao Zhan knowing that Jiang Fengmain would not intervene.

Wang Yibo takes in all of his father in laws reactions and sighs.
" since you have found this I cannot let my husband not have his revenge consider all your properties your companies your wealth gone from tomorrow you will lose everything, that is all I wanted to inform you about I trust you will make ample preparations and also that son of yours might have an accident or he might be kidnapped so be careful the world is not safe this days" he says standing up and party g his father in laws back before leaving the restaurant.

Jiang Fengmain slums down in his seat not knowing what to do he starts laughing hysterically Yu Ziyuan has finally destroyed the Jiang family there is nothing they can do now no one has the power to stop Jiang's destruction.his wife has always said Xiao Zhan would bring their family destruction now she is the one who has destroyed the Jiang family. His thought is interrupted by a call from his secretary he picks it up.
" sire that Jiang operation research facility is on fire, so sensitive data has been released sir we don't know what to do the shareholders have already called for a meeting, they want to still their investment even though the banks have called to pay back the loans," the secretary says hysterically but Jiang fengmain does not know what to do as he is frozen it seems wang yibo really did not waste any time.

  Sorry for the late update have been busy with school.

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