Destroying Him

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       Xiao zhan wakes up feeling groggy as if he is drunk but zhan does not drink his vision is foggy it takes a while but he remembers that he had gone to buy some groceries when he had been kidnapped by a van. The realization that he has been kidnapped shocks him as nobody knows him after he gets married. He became a recluse they began to forget about him and even if they did  no one would pay a Ransome for him so he has to escape on his own when he looks around he sees that he is in a room suddenly the door opens and six men enter the room at the front his Wang yibo this is shocking to Xiao zhan because he did not think that Wang yibo could do this, why would he do this.  is it because he did not sign the divorce papers?
"Am sure you are wondering why you are here but the answer is very simple I didn't want to do this but you forced me, you have been drugged and in a few minutes your body will not be yours again and this man will have their way with you and the pictures will be uploaded then you will have no choice but to sign the papers but if you sign it now it will only be me that would touch you and I will send 20 million to your account and I won't release any pictures it's your choice oh and after this night if I see you again your life will be forfeit I don't care if it was an accident that we meet" Wang yibo says he feels less guilty after all the options of his friend were even more cruel that this.
Xiao zhan is too shocked for words but he knows Wang Yibo would do what he says if he doesn't decide fast so he decides " I choose the second option but the money I want you give to my cash and I want you to help me get out of the country by tomorrow and I won't ever appear in front of you again I swear "xiao zhan says trembling. Wang Yibo thinks he is making a strange request but it does not concern him as long as he never sees Xiao zhan again for the rest of his life so he agrees to the condition.

        The next day Xiao zhan is taken abroad where he uses the money with him to rent a cafe which he also is there he begins a new life but he begins to heal. Two months later Xiao zhan begins to feel nauseated and has to let his staff take care of his cafe when he faints on a busy afternoon. The symptoms continue to persist so he goes to the doctor and they run tests on him he is told to come back for the results the next day.
         Zhan is nervous about going to the doctor's office alone but he has no friend or anyone that can go with him, he enters the office after knocking the woman sitting there is very beautiful but she has a stern face.
" Good afternoon Mr Xiao zhan am the doctor who attended to you my name is wen qing I want you to understand that you are not in any danger but you should prepare yourself for the results of the test we carried out three times just to confirm it but there is no mistake you are pregnant Mr Xiao"
" But but am a man, how is this possible"
" I don't know how but it appears Mr. Xiao is pregnant am sorry but I have to ask this question will you keep it or abort it before it becomes too late"
The question catches zhan unaware dies he wants to abort this child but he can't do it this child is his only family left he can build a life for both of them now it is not like he doesn't have the money to do so.
"I will keep the child no matter what," zhan says while giving a watery smile
The doctor nods before writing on a piece of paper I will give you this number but go to the gynecology floor and tell them you are looking for Wen Ning he is my brother I will call him to inform him about your situation am sure you do not want it to be broadcasted to the whole world.
Zhan is shocked for a moment before feeling happy that someone would help him so much "Thank you, thank you very much" he says before bowing in gratitude and leaving.
During the period of his pregnancy, he becomes close with his siblings and he starts living a happy life. But it could not be said to be the same for Wang Yibo because he just found out what made his life come crashing down

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