Wen Qing Thoughts

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Wang Yibo stood there in shock for a few minutes before a chuckle escaped him. "Did he really think it would be that easy to confess and have Xiao Zhan come running back to his arms? He really overestimates himself. He should be grateful that Xiao Zhan even allowed him to get close in the first place. He knows it was because Xiao Zhan was trying to protect those around him that he agreed so easily to let him come back. But this silly confession of his must have been the breaking point. After all, he is partly responsible for all that Xiao Zhan went through. If he had just been a better person, maybe he would have gotten to know Xiao Zhan when they were little instead of ignoring him. It didn't matter if Cheng Xiao saved him at that time, he was engaged. But he had the audacity to date someone openly. He knew that when he started dating Cheng Xiao, the whole school made fun of Xiao Zhan for wearing a green hat. He should have realized then that the Jiang family didn't care that their own sons  fiancé was dating another girl, nor did they confront him despite the rumors that they loved Xiao Zhan and spoiled him. It can be said that he was blind, or rather, he didn't care and ignored all the signs." Wang Yibo sighed and then started to make his way back to his hotel.

, she hurried towards him."Xiao Zhan, what happened?" she asked, concern evident in her voice."I'm... I'm fine. Actually, no, I'm not fine. But can we go home? I'm just really tired. I promise I'll tell you everything at home, okay?" he pleaded, his voice trembling."Okay," Wen Qing agreed, understanding the urgency in his request. They walked towards the car and headed home. Once they arrived, they went straight upstairs to the room above the cafe. Wen Qing didn't press him for answers anymore and instead brought out a tub of ice cream. She would have made hot chocolate, but it was summer."Ice cream?" she offered, holding up the tub to him. This had become their tradition whenever either of them was feeling down. Xiao Zhan curled up on the couch, still holding onto the sleeping Yuan. Wen Qing sighed and moved closer to them."You don't have to talk right now. No matter what, I'm here for you," she reassured him, sitting down next to him on the floor in front of the couch."He is a jerk, and I hate him so much. He did so many things to me, and he has the audacity to confess. How dare he? When I was pleading for it, he didn't give it to me. But now that I have it from you guys, he brings it up after telling me I don't deserve his love, dangling it in my face, and then giving it to someone else right in front of me. It's so unfair," Xiao Zhan vented, his voice filled with anger and sadness."Why did he come back?" Xiao Zhan continued, his sobs becoming more intense. Wen Qing simply patted his back gently, offering words of comfort until he eventually fell asleep, exhausted from the emotional turmoil.She stayed by his side, watching over him and Yuan, knowing that she would always be there for him, no matter what challenges they faced.
Wen Qing gazed at Xiao Zhan's peaceful sleeping face and let out a sigh. She knew him very well, as she was not only his doctor but also his best friend and the closest thing to family he had. When he had first come to her office, he looked so emaciated and depressed, and it was clear that he was afraid of the world. She had felt pity for him and wanted to help, but she wasn't the type of person who could easily comfort others. When she discovered that he was pregnant, she knew that she wanted to protect him even more.That was why she had sent him to Wen ning, who was able to get close to Xiao Zhan in a way that she couldn't. Ning was gentle, patient, and understanding, whereas she was brash and forceful. Xiao Zhan had been skittish around her, and if she raised her voice, he would be scared. It was Wen Ning who had taken care of him during those times.As Xiao Zhan progressed through his therapy sessions, their relationship had improved. He was no longer afraid of her, and she was able to be more patient with him. However, when he showed signs of advanced depression at six months along, she knew that she had to do something to help him. She did everything she could to find a therapist they could trust, and that was when she met Mainmian.Wen Qing picked up her phone and called Mainmian, her friend and Xiao Zhan's therapist. She explained the situation, and Mainmian promised to stop by before going home. Wen Qing hung up after thanking her, feeling relieved that she had someone to turn to.She didn't know what the future held for Xiao Zhan, but she knew that she would do her best to protect her family. She kissed his forehead before heading downstairs, determined to do whatever it takes to keep him safe.

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