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"So the therapist can't do anything except wait for him to come back to himself? That's preposterous. The first treatment given to a person who dissociates is talk therapy, which is the treatment of mental, emotional, personality, and behavioral disorders using methods such as discussion, listening, and counseling. Also called psychotherapy. It is first used to gently guide the person from their emotional state, and if it doesn't work, then another step can be taken. Sometimes it's really hard to coax the person back, especially in Xiao Zhan's case, as he most likely dissociated as a form of defense. He will try to hide from the world in his head right now, seeing everything as a danger," Wen Ning says as he walks in.

"Exactly, which is why I find it strange that the therapist said that. I called someone else to get their opinion, and they should be here in 10 minutes. He also thought it was strange and wanted to see Xiao Zhan himself before coming to any conclusion, which brings us to why you are here, Wang Yibo," Wen Qing says, turning to him with a sharp expression on her face. "There should be a reason why Jiang Cheng found out about Xiao Zhan's number. But his therapist also made a diagnosis that was wrong, and I found this," Wen Qing says, showing an empty small vial.

"What's that?" Wang Yibo asks.

"Methoxetamine," Wen Qing replies, earning a gasp from Wen Ning.

"Why is it bad?" Wang Yibo asks.

"Not normally at least for normal people the effect should not be that bad, but when used on a dissociating patient, it makes the condition worse. Not only that, but it seems to have a high level of abuse. The therapist gave this to Xiao Zhan after he sent me out on a false errand now that i think about it , but he was startled into dropping it when I came back unexpectedly. Not only that, the fact that there is a recently shaped pinhole on Xiao Zhan's body made me confirm that it was given to him. For the entire duration that I was in the room, no drug was administered to him in my presence, which led me to think it could not be a coincidence. So I knew I had to get you involved."

"Get me involved?" Wang Yibo asked almost quietly, trying to follow Wen Qing's train of thought.

"A-Ning, where is Yuan?" Wen Qing asked her brother ignoring wang yibos question she wanted him to catch his breathe before telling him her thoughts and she saw how he looked when wen ning entered as if expeting yuan to be with him, catching Wang Yibo's attention. He hadn't thought to ask about Yuan from the new comer opting to find out later , uncertain if he had begun daycare, and not being very close to the siblings, he hadn't inquired further. Figuring he would find out since Wen Ning's sister would surely ask, he let it go, though it was the first thought that came to his mind when he first saw Wen Ning walk in, also both siblings seemed tense as their face carried a bit of strain it must have been a trying night for them Wen Ning, not too lanky, tall with a decidedly cute face, looked like he would fit well as an idol. The aura Wen Ning carried was comforting, and Wang Yibo knew it would make people like him a lot, but he also seemed naive and trusting. However, appearances could be deceiving—one should never judge a book by its cover. Irrationally as he walked in wang yibo felt jealous that in this kind of situation his ex husband reaction was not to rely on him but others.

Wang Yibo sighed, breaking off his thoughts. It wasn't the time for this right now. Wen Ning replied that Yuan had been left with their grandmother, which seemed to pacify Wen Qing. Wang Yibo allowed himself to be content with that. After all, he was still just an outsider, and any actions resembling his old self could put what he was just starting to build with Xiao Zhan in danger. He really wanted it to work out.

"Are you trying to imply that someone is behind this?" he asked Wen Qing.

She rolled her eyes, replying, "It's not such a hard deduction to make. But one thing is for sure—you led the person down to Xiao Zhan. The action wasn't to hurt Xiao Zhan but to get to you. There would be no reason to be this elaborate if it was an attack against Xiao Zhan. This was a warning. The vial could have easily been poison if they really wanted to kill Xiao Zhan. It's a warning for you. He doesn't have enemies rich enough to bribe doctors and instigate the Jiang family. It was obviously aimed at you."

Her words felt like a truck hitting Wang Yibo at full force. He stumbled to a nearby chair, sinking into it. He missed the interaction of Wen Qing signaling to her brother to go into Xiao Zhan's room, knowing he shouldn't be left alone for long.

"So what do I do now?" Wang Yibo asked.

Wen Qing opened her mouth to reply, but the twinkling of the charm in front of the shop signaled a visitor.

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a good day! I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to make it longer tomorrow. Please feel free to ask me any questions you have about any of the chapters—your opinions are valued, and it would help me fix any holes in the story too.

Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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