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Wang yibo breaks out of his shock and really look at xiao zhan and the child in front of him he can still see the similarities between them he us confused if the child is his go come he also look like xiao zhan too but he decide to out that aside.
" xiao zhan can we please talk , I promise I did not come to hurt you" wang yibo says sincerely.
Xiao zhan looks at wang yibo and see that he really did not look angry but rather a bit anxious and apprehensive , he also knows that there was no reason n for wang yibo to lie to him as wang yibo could do whatever he wanted with him he is contemplating when a voice interrupt him.
" daddy where did you go I can't sleep, and who is that man " wang yuan says hugging his fathers neck.
Xiao zhan does not know how to answer him so he changes the topic.
" come on let me put you to sleep you can ask me any question you want tomorrow "
A yuan nods but he is already dozing off xiao zhan puts him to bed at their apartment upstairs before going down to see wang yibo.
This time wang yibo does not give xiao zhan the chance to speak rather he kneels down in front of xiao zhan.
Xiao zhan is shocked and immediately runs to help him up but wang yibo dies not move.
" xiao zhan this time I am the one who came to apologize, am sorry for the way I treated you in the past for everything that has happened , I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I cannot let you go there is no day when I did not think of you I cannot let you go please forgive me"
" I should forgive you, if I forgive you what will happen will I have to sleep as your mistress while your wife is there" if it was the xiao zhan of before he would not have dared to say this words but this xiao zhan has been taught to love himself so he has self esteem and knows to stand up for himself the reason why he reacted so strongly before was because he had panic at he had but now that calmed down he understood that he can stand up to for himself.

" I already sent cheng xiao away when I realised I did not love her, I have been looking for you all this while , I want us to start again but I understand that you don't trust me so I will work hard for you to know that have changed just give me a chance to prove myself" wang yibo dares not say what he really did to change xiao so he decided to lie about it he knows if xiao zhan knows he will never let wang to o come close to him
" xiao zhan wanted to say no and tell wang yibo to get lost but he understands that he can't that ,wang yibo is regretful of his decision and want to do the right thing ,if he dare to reject him he might just take it by force an then no one will dare to stop him rather both xiao zhan and the wens will be in danger non of them is strong enough to go against wang yibo.
" wang yibo I agree to give you a second chance but you can it be force full or act like you do before this time is the only chance I will give you"
Wang yibo gets up and hug xiao zhan "I promise I will be good to you and respect your boundaries I know you don't believe me now but I will make you trust and love me in the future he says exicted"
They hug for a while before wang yibo ask the question that is on his mind.
" I don't meant anything but I just want to ask who is that child, it okay if you don't want to tell me I understand"
Xiao zhan weights the pros and cons if he lied to wang yibo and he found out in the future he is sure that then he will not be save from wang yibo wrath so he decides to tell the truth.
" that is a yuan he is your son , he was conceived that night , I know it might be hard to believe but I gave birth to him "
" you you did but how"
Xiao zhan feels him to wait and goes to being his medical report he show it to wang yibo who is shocked.
" so this means you really gave birth to him " he ask in awe of xiao zhan, he remembers now on the day of his wedding jiang fengmain told him that xiao zhan can also nurture a child but he did not know he meant this.
" then can I see him " he ask hopefully.
" let wait till tomorrow I don't want to overwhelmed him okay "
" I guess that us right, xiao zhan you really are a miracle"
Xiao zhan blush wang yibo was the first person to call him a miracle for giving birth he knows the wens praise him too but they tends to avoid the topic because he is not really comfortable with it but hearing wang yibo say it have another effect on him.
He talks with wang yibo for a bit more and they decide to meet the next day at the Park across the street, wang yibo knows he cannot stay in the cafe as xiao zhan is obviously not comfortable with him yet so he leaves and promises to come the next day.
Xiao zhan close the cafe and foes upstairs he is in bed but he cannot sleep he looks at the time it is 10:00 he decides to try his luck and dials a number.

And sorry for the short and late update , thank you for reading .

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