He Is Different

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The playground is a kaleidoscope of bright reds, blues, greens, and yellows, all blending to create a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. The air is filled with the sound of children's laughter and the squeaking of swings and slides. The soft grass underfoot is a welcome relief from the hard concrete of the city streets The playground is divided into different sections, each designed to cater to different age groups. The toddler area is safe for the little ones, with low slides, swings, and tunnels that are perfect for their tiny hands and feet. The older kids' section is a bit more challenging, with higher slides, monkey bars, and climbing walls that test their strength and agility. The swings soar high into the sky, giving the children a feeling of freedom and weightlessness. The park is dotted with benches and picnic tables, where parents can sit and watch their children play. The trees provide shade and a cool breeze, making it a perfect spot for a family picnic or a lazy afternoon nap The park is not just a place for play, but also a place for learning. There are educational displays and interactive exhibits that teach children about nature, science, and history. Overall, the children's park is a magical place, where imaginations run wild, friendships are formed, and memories are made. It's a place where children can be themselves, explore, and have fun in a safe and nurturing environment but for Xiao Zhan, it is not so his mind is on high alert, his hands are sweaty, his nerves are frayed and his heart might just jump out of his chest with how fast it is beating he knows he should not be this nervous but all the ways this meeting could go wrong starts playing in his mind as he waits for wang yibo, he is about to work himself into an attack when wen qing grabs his hands and holds it a a a means of comfort and something to use as an anchor for his emotions.
Wen Qing understands that wang yibo to xiao zhan is a nightmare to get rid of she had seen how he reacted at first when he started receiving therapy and talking about his ex-husband sometimes he would just shut down and refuse to answer anyone or he will walk himself into a panic whenever the topic of wang yibo came along so to her he is not someone she wants in the life of xiao zhan whom she sees as her younger brother, if only she was strong enough to protect both her family and xaio zhan from wang yibo she would but wang yibo is so powerful even if they try to hide xiao zhan he will still find him she thinks as she holds a yuan in her hands. Her thoughts are cut short when a shadow falls over where they are sitting blocking the sun she looks up at the shadow following it to see the face of wang yibo himself, she hurriedly gets up which causes Xiao to look up and see wang yibo too.
Xiao zhan's brain reboots when he sees wang yibo he laughs awkwardly
" yibo you're here, this is when qing she is the doctor who took care of me and she is also like a sister to me both she and her brother helped me a lot you know when ning her brother was my doctor for you know.." he says before trailing off.
" am sure he knows Xiao Zhan and I can introduce myself he would not have come here without investigating your life here," Wen Qing says with a sharp smile on her face.
" am wen qing this idiot sister, am not sure it is very nice to meet you"
Rather than getting angry wang yibo just smiles and says " Nice to meet you too, I want to thank you for taking care of xiao zhan all this time "Surprisingly he bows at her for a few seconds before standing straight " I understand it must be be be have been hard for him in a new place and environment  being with a child at that time too I appreciate you and your brother this is my card it holds my direct contact if you need anything please let me know I will not hesitate to help "
Both Wen Qing and xiao zhan stared at him like he was growing two heads in their mind they were both asking if this was wang bo. Xiao zhan wanted to blurt out and ask if he was wang yibo or if he was sick and it affected his brain the mind knows that he still wanted to survive and did not dare to say it.
This wang yibo standing in front of him was so different from the one he used to know wen Qing had insulted him by implying he had done a background search on her, wen ning and xiao zhan but wang yibo did not even get angry

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