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Xiao Zhan woke up feeling groggy and a little confused in the evening. Somehow, her and A Yuan had migrated from the couch to the bed. He smiled, realizing that only Wen Qing could have done that. Suddenly, what happened in the morning came back to him and the smile froze on his face. He buried his head in his hands with a loud groan, feeling the urge to curse himself out. What if what he did made Wang Yibo angry? But then he snorted, thinking that if Wang Yibo got angry, then he was never sincere in apologizing. He clenched and unclenched his hands, a thoughtful frown on his face. What he said to Wang Yibo was only the truth. He sighed and looked around the room, which was decorated with warm, rich colors. Although not too big, it had its own bathroom and a neatly arranged chair and desk off to the side. There was also a wardrobe that wasn't too big. If it wasn't for Wen Qing, he would have decorated the room with his favorite colors, red and black. But those colors wouldn't have gone well, maybe when he moved to a bigger house in the future and made enough money, he would have a room for an art studio. He had always loved the feeling he got when he painted, where the world outside seemed to not exist and he became the only one in existence. The happiness he felt when he painted was something he had tried to hide all his life. When he got married, he completely stopped, but then in the Jiang house, when he would have been beaten or hurt by Madam Yu's words, he would lose himself in the world he painted for himself. He had started to draw again, little by little. He sighed, cutting off his thoughts and preventing himself from spiraling into more thoughts. It was already good that A Yuan slept so well. If he had woken up and Xiao Zhan was still asleep, he could already see the roof beam falling down because of his tantrum. He hefted himself off the bed and went outside the room. A Yuan would be hungry soon, so he decided to make him dinner. Outside the door, Wen Qing looked up from her book when he came out, but he was surprised by the presence of Mainmain and Wen Ning.
He guessed he shouldn't be surprised that they were there, as they seemed to be there because of what had happened that morning with Wang Yibo. Wen Ning turned around and said, "..."
"Xiao zhan, we came to check on you and a yuan," Wen Ning says with a smile.
Xiao zhan nods, "Thank you, but we're both fine. A yuan slept well and I'm just about to make dinner.
"Wen Qing stands up, "Let me help you."Xiao zhan smiles gratefully, "Thank you, Wen Qing. That would be great."
As they start to prepare dinner, Wen Ning and Main Main help set the table and chat with Xiao zhan.
It's a comfortable and easy conversation, and Xiao zhan feels grateful for their company he knows he still has to talk to maintain as she is his therapist but it doesn't matter for now he just wants to bask in the comfort of his friends.
After dinner, they all sit around the living room, chatting and laughing. Xiao zhan feels happy and content, surrounded by people who care about him.
As the night wears on, Wen Ning and Wen Qing leave because they have a shift in the hospital he bids them goodnight and leave, leaving Xiao zhan and Mainmain alone in the apartment.
"Thank you for helping me with dinner," Xiao zhan says, smiling at Mainmain.
Mainmain smiles back, "It was my pleasure. I'm glad we could spend some time together."Xiao zhan nods, "Me too. It's been a while since we've had a chance to catch up."Mainmain looks at him, "Xiao zhan, are you okay? You seemed a little off earlier."Xiao zhan sighs, "I had a fight with Wang Yibo this morning. I said some things that I shouldn't have."Mainmain nods, "I see. Do you want to talk about it?"Xiao zhan shakes his head, "No, it's okay. I just need to figure things out on my own it something I want do on my own I know I have to tell you this things as my therapist but just give me sometime.
Mainmain nods again, "Okay, but if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."Xiao zhan smiles, "Thank you, Mainmain I appreciate it."They sit in comfortable silence for a few moments before Mainmain stands up, "I should probably head back to my own apartment. It's getting late."Xiao zhan nods, "Of course. Thank you for coming over."Mainmain smiles, "Anytime. Take care of yourself, Xiao zhan."Xiao zhan walks her to the door and watches as she leaves. He feels grateful for her friendship and support. As he turns to head back to his own room, he feels a sense of calm wash over him. He knows that he still has things to figure out, but he also knows that he has people who care about him and will be there for him no matter what.
His thoughts are interrupted by a yuan loud cries ' on great the ancestor has woken up '.He hurriedly made his way to his room, where his son, A Yuan, was crying. He gently scooped him up into his arms, cradling him close. As he looked into his son's eyes, he noticed that not a single tear had fallen, despite the intensity of his cries. He couldn't help but marvel at how smart and perceptive his child was, always knowing exactly what to do to get what he wanted.With a playful smile on his face, he threw A Yuan up into the air, eliciting a joyful giggle from the little one. In that moment, all of his worries and thoughts seemed to fade away, replaced by an overwhelming love for his son. He stopped tossing him in the air and instead pulled him into a tight hug, cherishing the warmth and connection between them.
Ever since A Yuan was born, Xiao Zhan had always allowed him to hug him for as long as he needed whenever he was feeling sad. Even when A Yuan squirmed and wiggled, he never complained. However, if Xiao Zhan tried to hug him in a more conventional manner, A Yuan would always try to escape his embrace.Moving away slightly, Xiao Zhan faced A Yuan and playfully pinched his nose. "Alright, little one, let's get some food in you," he said with a sigh.
He knew that their sleep schedule had been disrupted today, with A Yuan napping in the afternoon and now awake in the evening. It was likely that they would both be going to bed late tonight.With that in mind, Xiao Zhan made his way to the kitchen, fully prepared for a long night ahead. Despite the challenges, he couldn't imagine his life without his son by his side.

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