Gain And Losses

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Wang Yibo's relentless pursuit of Xiao Zhan and his determination to dismantle the Jiang family consumed all of his energy and focus. He had rejected Madam Yu's advances without hesitation, considering her an insignificant player in the grand scheme of things. She would soon experience suffering beyond anything she had ever inflicted upon Xiao Zhan. Nobody could harm what belonged to him and escape the consequences.

Amid his quest for vengeance, Wang Yibo couldn't help but reflect on his past actions towards Xiao Zhan. Once he found him, he planned to offer a sincere apology, seeking to make amends for the pain he had caused.

As he pondered his past actions, Wang Yibo's thoughts drifted to Cheng Xiao. She had spent two weeks in his basement, subjected to relentless torture that had driven her to madness. He allowed himself a faint, chilling smile at the memory. However, he had grown bored of her; she was no longer entertaining to him. With a sense of detachment, he dialed his assistant, instructing them to transfer Cheng Xiao to the psychiatric ward. She served no purpose to him now, and he had moved on to more pressing matters in his quest for retribution.

Xiao Zhan's life has been amazing he had his son and with him and the wens, over the years they had grown to be a part of each other's family, they were the ones who helped him raise a yuan on the days when he felt overwhelmed they were always there for him, for the past two years since opening his cafe he had become well know amongst the people and he couldn't be happier he had everything he needed the means to take care of his baby and a family that loved him.
During the years he has been going to therapy as before and after he gave birth to a yuan he had depression and coupled with the trauma he went through when he was little. He was a recipe for disaster he is not all okay but he is getting better.

The old memories resurfaced vividly in Xiao Zhan's mind, haunting him like a ghost from the past. He sat with a distant look in his eyes, lost in the painful recollection. Lately, it had become increasingly difficult for him to ignore the memories that had shaped his childhood he felt as if a storm was coming and he would not be able to avoid it he just prayed it was not wang yibo he could handle anyone but wang yibo.

Wen Ning noticed the change in Xiao Zhan's demeanor. He leaned in closer, concern etched on his face. "Xiao Zhan, what's bothering you?" he asked gently.

Xiao Zhan sighed, his gaze still fixed on a point in the distance. "It's just... I can't help but think about that time when Jiang Cheng and I were kids."

Wen King furrowed his brow, knowing that it would not be a good memory anything about that Jiang was not a good memory for Xiao Zhan. "You mean when you played near the pond?" he said trying to stir the conversation to at least an instance of good memory that xaio zhan had of the Jiang siblings.

"No, not that," Xiao Zhan replied, shaking his head. "I'm talking about the incident with the mud."

Understanding dawned on Nings's face as he recalled the painful memory. "Oh, that," he muttered, why were you thinking about it"

Xiao Zhan's eyes held a hint of sadness as he continued. "You see, that day, we were both responsible for the mess. But I was the one who got blamed for it. I had to endure a severe punishment I was whipped that day and the scar would never go away, even though it wasn't entirely my fault."

King nodded solemnly, guilt gnawing at him " am sorry you had to go through that no child should ever have had to experience what you did it was horrible and the jiang should be behind bars"

Xiao Zhan gave him a small, shaky smile. "It's not your fault when ning. We were just kids, and we didn't fully understand the consequences of our actions." Wen Ning wants to say how this kind of scenario had continued even when they grew up and Xiao Zhan was the one to continue to suffer the punishment for Jiang Cheng's mistake.
The memory of being threatened with dogs crept back into Xiao Zhan's mind, and he shuddered involuntarily. "But what I can't forget is how she used to threaten me with those dogs. It was like a nightmare, and it's something I could never do to anyone, especially not to A yuan."

Wen Ning reached out and placed a comforting hand on Xiao Zhan's shoulder. "I understand, Xiao Zhan. We've both had our share of hardships, but we won't let our past define us. We'll protect A yuan and make sure he never has to go through what you did."

Xiao Zhan nodded, his heart lightened by Wen Ning's words. Together, they would create a better future for A yuan, free from the shadows of their painful pasts
The tense atmosphere is interested by a squeal from a yuan xaio zhan looks up to see Wen qing come inside the cafe and a yuan using his chubby kegs to run to hug her. His heart feels warm not only does he have a family that will comfort him when he needs it but they are always there for him whenever he needs them and to him that is more than he could ever wish for when he had first entered when rings office.

Am so sorry for the late update thank you for reading please vote and comment thanks😘😘😘

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