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Wang Yibo goes home calmly and quietly it would be impossible to say that he was hurting but the sound of things breaking from his room alerts the servants as to what kind of mood he is in, they all know to avoid him on that day.
Wang Yibo only comes out in the evening when he hears the sound of Cheng Xiao's car his face is frightfully blank as he sees her come into the mansion, Cheng Xiao does not know the danger she is in as Wang Yibo ignores her lock the main door he knows she can't escape as he had sent a message to the security to close all the house doors.
"Welcome home," he says as he turns to her with a creepy smile.
" Was it fun playing with for all these years, didn't know you had it in you, you really should get a certificate for lying to Wang Yibo for all these years but the thing is am sure you have heard of how much I hate liars so let have some fun?"  He circles her as she starts shaking knowing that her lies had been exposed and she knew how ruthless Wang Yibo could be.
" But am still impressed you know I don't know the extent of your lies so you will tell me everything or I will use my method to get them and if I do that" he paused looking at her as if in pity" you won't survive" he whispers close to her ears she had not looked at his face since but when he comes near her a shiver runs down her spine and she begins to tremble all over.
" Am sorry please spare me " A loud slap echoes in the empty mansion as Cheng Xiao falls from the force of it, she starts crying but Wang Yibo doesn't pity her rather he drags her by her hair and pulls her up.
" I didn't tell you to beg I told you to talk if you disobey me again I will start by breaking your legs, you know I can do it don't you"
Cheng Xiao nods sobbing quietly " That night I didn't save you it was Xiao zhan who saved you he gave you to me and ran in the other direction because of the kidnapper that was after him but I knew you were rich so I lied that I saved you I didn't know you will love me I thought you would just give me some money and Xiao zhan never said anything so I guess he forgot about it,  he never hurt me I always hurt myself so I could get you to beat him up he was a threat to me and I was scared of him am Sorry I only did it for the money please forgive me " she says kow towing on the floor begging but she is startled by a sharp laugh.
" Wang Yibo you are a fool even a little girl like this can play with you" he looks at her with fierce eyes filled with anger and hatred.
" You Cheng Xiao have played me for a fool so you should pay for it don't you think," he asks and drags her to the basement"  For everything that you have done your punishment is that you will be treated and suffer everything Xiao zhan suffered in my hands and by the time am done with you, you will wish you were dead after all there is no one that will look for you orphan" he spits the last word with hatred enjoying how her eyes widen she had lied that she was an orphan when she had a family but they had cut the connection with her and that was why she came back into his life damned wench. He thinks.
      Wang Yibo felt hurt and tired and for the first time in a long time he cried, he cried himself to sleep dreaming about xiao zhan and apologizing to him that is what wakes him up he thinks about the Jiang family he needs to get rid of them If he brings back Xiao zhan to this city he uses cold gaze to look at the window, one of zhan's condition to leave was that Wang yibo fakes his death so the Jiang family did not know he was alive he didn't really care about the condition and just did what he had to do but now that he thinks about it the Jiang family had not had any visible either private or public reaction to the announcement of Xiao zhan death not even a period of mourning.
It seems the end of the Jiang family is here Wang Yibo thinks as he decides how to wreck the Jiang family.

              Xiao zhan woke up this morning feeling a little bit apprehensive and nervous but he decided to ignore the feeling and go to work it had been a year and six months since he had given birth to Yizhan, and for the first few months of Yizhan's life was hard for Xiao zhan if not for the help of Wen Qing and Wen Ning he would not know what to do his life has only gone well because of them. A yuan has started walking now and saying a few words which made him more of a menace than when he just started to crawl, he had a very fast growth and was smarter than his peers but it seemed like causing chaos and escaping from the scene so he is not implicated. Xiao zhan sighed this son was more complicated as he grew he was picky with everything food, clothes plate, and spoon it drove Xiao zhan mad sometimes but he would not have it any other way. his only wish now is to raise his son well to be a good person that he can be proud of and Xiao Zhan has been working toward this goal by doing every that he wished someone did for him for his son.

        Thank you guys for reading and voting please correct me if you see any mistakes and pls comment and vote. Thank you darlings🥰🥰🤗🤗

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