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this has been living in my brain for a while


From her second birthday, Catty Porter was a weapon. Not a physical weapon, like Winter Soldier or Hush, but a psychological one.

While other children were playing dolls and going to daycare, Catty was hiding from HYDRA. From her father.

While other children were coming home and eating their snacks, Catty watched her mother get murdered.

While other children were talking about their crushes, Catty was learning to withstand torture.

Twelve years old, Catty tried to run away. She was tired of the abuse. Tired of the touching. Tired of her power.

Twelve years old with knobby knees and wild hair, a fire in her eyes, Catty ran.

She ran and ran and ran, but it did nothing.

HYDRA couldn't lose their weapon.

So they sent the Winter Solider to get her back.

Twelve years old, her escape failed, Catty was frozen for nearly forty years.

For nearly forty years, Catty seethed.

But HYDRA would lose their precious weapon. Their psychological weapon that was just a little girl. A little girl unfortunate enough to be born Gerard Porter's daughter.

Catty once had potential. She could feel anyone's emotions. She could use that to manipulate them, to draw their sympathies.

Then lead them away to be killed.

But she had to ruin it, didn't she? Try to run away, get frozen. They told her that.

Why couldn't she ever listen?

She never shut up. She never followed orders. Even if it was for her own good.

She was an awful weapon.

She deserved to be frozen and shipped to Sokovia.

Shipped to Sokovia, where she would be rescued by her grandfather.


"Oh, my god," Georgie whispered. She looked over at Catty, who was on the verge of tears. "Cat...can I hug you?"

Catty paused for a moment. When people touched her, she always felt a rush of emotion. Emotion that wasn't hers.

She hated it.

But maybe...this time would be different.

Catty nodded, accepting Georgie's embrace.

𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚊𝚏𝚎||𝙾𝚌 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now