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this is why Sammy's laces are blue lmao


Marlin and Sammy walked through the crowded streets of New York. 

"Don't worry, kid," Marlin said gruffly, noticing his kid watching a cop across the street. "He won't notice us. We're invisible here."

Sammy nodded, but stepped closer to their father.

"Oh, my God, Amybeth, you would not believe the shit James said about me," a woman said to her friend as she passed the father and child.

A man walked by, on the phone. "Pepper, please, baby, I didn't mean to yell at her like that! Look, I'm out searching for her." He sounded like he was pleading with someone. Sammy assumed it was his wife.

Sammy saw a flash of blue out of the corner of their eye. The cop. They tugged on Marlin's sleeve. "Police," they whispered.

Marlin nodded and turned down an alley, holding tight to his kid's arm. The cop followed. But now, they were out of eyeshot of the street.

"Excuse me!" the officer called out. "I need to talk with you, sir!"

Marlin froze. He gripped Sammy's arm tighter. "Act normal, or I swear to God, girl..." he hissed threateningly before turning to the cop. "What seems to be the problem, officer?" he said cheerfully.

"You seem to match the description of an Arkham escapee," the man explained. "I'd like to see your ID to make sure you're-"

Marlin cut him off. "Sammy, run!"

That was all it took. The teen took off, their father on their heels. "Goddamn it!" the officer swore behind them. Sammy heard his footsteps running behind them.

Sammy felt a hand grab their shoulder. They fell to the ground, Marlin behind them. The cop had the Musketeer pinned, a gun to his head.

The safety's on.

Sammy clambered to their feet. "Leave my dad alone!" they screamed, kicking the gun from his hand. The pistol clattered across the ground.

"Samantha, take care of him!" Marlin shouted. Sammy and the cop dove for the gun at the same time.

Before any of the three could process what happened, a gunshot went off. Sammy wasn't even aware they were holding the gun.

The officer fell to his knees before collapsing, blood gushing from his chest. Marlin stood. He put a hand on Sammy's shoulder. They flinched at the touch.

They were a murderer.

They'd killed a cop. An innocent man who'd just been trying to do his job. 

But if he had done his job, they'd be in jail.

Marlin wrapped Sammy into a hug. He kissed their temple. "It's okay, mi vida, I'm proud of you. You protected your old man. Now drop the gun."


Sammy wasn't aware of the cold metal still in their hand.

"I can't," they whispered. Their entire body shook "I can't."

Marlin gently pried the weapon from their grasp. "Calm down. It's okay." He hugged them again. "You did good, mi vida."

They did good.

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