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Nighthawk was walking through the streets of Gotham. It had been two months since their resurrection. Against their family's wishes, they returned to fighting crime.

As they walked, they heard a commotion in an alley. Their boots thudded on the sidewalk as they ran to see what was happening.

"You're some hotshot boxer, ain't ya?" a man asked. He was beating the shit out of another man, whose glasses were on the ground nearby. "Then fight back." He gave the other man a well-placed kick to the ribs.

"Hey!" Nighthawk shouted, hands on their hips. "If you wanna fight, why not come get some?"

The color drained from the man's face. With a yelp, he ran off. Nighthawk rolled their eyes and crouched to see if the injured man was okay.

They recognized him immediately. Ares Velasco, "the boxing god", as he was often called. The best pro boxer in all of Gotham. A year earlier, he'd called out Batman and other heroes for focusing so much on the villains who repeatedly escaped custody, while common thugs and thieves ruled the streets. Needless to say, Batman had been pissed.

"Nighthawk?" he asked, squinting at the masked vigilante. His face lit up. "It is you! I can't believe I've been saved by the Nighthawk!"

The teen blinked. That was not the reaction they'd expected. Especially with the whole, "heroes need to do better" speech Ares had given.

"Well, it's kind of my job," they said, blinking. 

Ares clambered to his feet. He was tall and muscular. He was around Jason's height, actually. He put his glasses back on. His face was bruised, though Nighthawk guessed that was from the boxing match that evening. The one they were going to see before Batman banned it after finding out who was fighting.

The boxer held out a hand. "I'm Ares Velasco," he said.

"Nighthawk," they replied, shaking his hand. "Though, I guess you know that."

He nodded. "You're the only vigilante around here I support," he said softly. "You saved my sister's life, while Red Robin and Chastity fought Mad Hatter."


"I'm glad to have helped," Nighthawk smiled. It was forced. Of course. They had to be the one Ares liked. It couldn't be Harms-Way, or Chameleon. It couldn't even be Nightwing.

Ares Velasco was a Nighthawk fan.

And didn't like the rest of the Bat Family.

Not to mention that, since their resurrection, Nighthawk had a sort of celebrity crush on the best boxer in Gotham.

Ares was hot. They'd be the first to admit it. Not only that, but he was a good person. He donated most of the money he made while boxing to charity. He helped in his parents' store when he wasn't fighting or training. He rescued and fostered kittens. Kittens.

"Thank you for saving me," Ares said. He looked the vigilante up and down. He took a breath. "Look, I've never done this before, but...would like to go on a date? With me?"

Nighthawk froze. What would they say? Yes could lead to more dates. They might get so comfortable with him that they'd tell him their real name. No could break his heart. This was how so many villain's backstories began.

Rejected by the hero, taken in by villainy.

Finally, the vigilante answered. "I'd love to."


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