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this has been in my evil little brain for ever since DJ came to be
also forewarning for Char, DJ dies
this isn't canon to how she actually croaks though
INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US universe (aka: Superman has a mental breakdown and becomes a dictator)


Lois Lane was dead. As was her unborn child. Both killed by Superman.

It was an accident. DJ knew that. But she also knew that this bullshit was driving her dad crazy.

"Clark," DJ said softly, stepping cautiously toward him.

His head snapped up. He always seemed to be on edge nowadays. He relaxed when he saw who it was. "DJ," he greeted.

DJ took another step. "I...I heard about Will. Monarch," she told him. Monarch was a vigilante who'd supported Batman. Earlier that week, he'd been killed on television. Killed by Superman himself.

It was part of why Clark refused to let DJ watch tv as of late.

Clark visibly stiffened. "It was necessary," he said. "I have to protect what family I have left." He gently touched DJ's cheek. "I have to protect you, and Melanie, and Elton."

DJ sighed, her cheek squishing slightly in her father's hand. She was half Kryptonian. However, she knew how easy it would be for Clark to just squeeze a little more. Squeeze a little more and kill her.

Just like he killed Lois.

She looked away. "Dad..." She rarely called him Dad. "Don't you think enough people have died?"

Clark stiffened again. He withdrew his hand, to DJ's relief. "The only reason people have died was because they got in my way," he said, suddenly cold.

DJ looked down, then up at her father. "What about the innocent people who've been hurt because of this?" She watched his fist clench, but went on. "What about people like Lois, just caught in the crossfire?"

"Don't talk about Lois," Clark snapped. "You have no right-"

DJ wrinkled her nose. "What, because she wasn't my mom? She was the closest thing I had. Sure, you lost a wife. An unborn child. I lost just about the only family I ever had." She made vague gestures as she spoke. "You, Lois, Melanie, Elton. You're all I had. Now Lois and Elton are gone. And whose fault is that?"

"Diana Josephine," Clark said sternly.

DJ stomped her foot. The floor shook. "This whole war is stupid! Just because you lost someone, you've gone crazy! You act like you're some god above us all! Well, I'll have you know--"

Clark cut her off with a rough slap to the face. DJ fell to her knees, clutching her cheek.

"Learn your place, Diana," he said coldly.

DJ wanted to scream. She climbed to her feet. "Elton was right about you," she spat. "You're a fucking psycho."

"And you wouldn't be here without this 'fucking psycho'," he shot back.

She laughed. Not a genuine laugh, but a forced one. "Oh, you wanna play that game?" she asked. "In that case, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Herman, either. Or Maryann. Or the whore they found on the street and knocked up with your kid." She laughed again. "And I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the Kents. You know, since they took in some freak of a baby they found."

Clark looked ready to hit her again. She stepped back and went on. "I know you lost people. People you loved. You heard when those two heartbeats stopped. But that doesn't give you a right to become a dictator. To hurt other people's loved ones."

She swallowed, taking another step back. "So many people have died. Will, Dick, Alfred, Lois, Elton. Metropolis. People loved them, and they're gone." She took a breath. "I'm sure their loved ones know how you feel."

"No one knows how I feel!" Clark roared. "No one knows my pain!"

DJ groaned. She was trying to get through to him. Trying to stop this nonsense. And he was acting like a selfish cunt!

Clark froze, glaring at her.

Oh gods.

She'd said that out loud, hadn't she?

Clark stepped towards her. "I don't want to hear your smart mouth again," he growled. He slapped her again, hard.

Later, Clark would be able tell someone the exact moment the light left his daughter's eyes.

He heard the exact moment her neck snapped.

He knew the exact moment his daughter died.

How is it that he was responsible for the deaths of three of his own children?

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