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Grace felt the life draining from her. She was dying. She mustered up the strength to utter one last sentence. "See you soon, papa..."

Then everything went black. She felt like she was falling into water, liquid all around, smothering her. It was crushing her. What happened to the afterlife, Heaven, that she was promised?

The water vanished. She was somewhere that she assumed was Heaven. It was beautiful. She looked around, trying to spot someone, anyone, she knew.

There was a blonde woman holding a baby. A man and woman hugging. A woman that kinda looked like Mama. Then she saw someone.

"Uncle Tommy!" Grace yelled, running to him. He wasn't really her uncle. His wife, Angel, had been raised by Mama and Papa, and Grace always referred to her as Auntie Angel.

He scooped the girl up, ruffling her hair. "Gracie," he said softly. "I missed you. How's Angel? And the kids?"

"You have another daughter," she told him. "Her name is Adrienne."

The blonde woman Grace had seen looked up at her, seeming confused. She and her baby made her way over to Tommy and Grace. "Thomas? Who is she?" she asked, her French accent thick.

"Maman, her name is Grace Hamilton. She is Alexander's daughter," Tommy explained gently.

The woman smiled at the girl. "Bonjour, I am Adrienne," she said sweetly.

Grace smiled back as Tommy set her down. "Wonderful to meet you," she said.

Adrienne smiled again then whispered something to Tommy. He nodded, then crouched beside Grace. "Gracie, there's someone you need to meet," he said. Pointing in another direction he added, "He's probably over there."

Grace's brow furrowed, but she left in the direction he sent her in. She wondered who it could be that he wanted her to meet. Maybe Philip, the older brother whose death day was her birthday. Maybe Auntie Peggy, who'd died the same year Philip did. Maybe Grandma Rachel, Papa's mother. Maybe Papa himself.

Then she remembered that Thomas said "he". So that narrowed it down some. But when she saw him, she knew who she was sent to meet.

His hair looked so much like hers. He was covered in freckles, just like her. His eyes were a stunning violet color. She knew who he was the moment she saw him.

"PAPA!" Grace yelled, running to him, arms open wide.

He looked confused, backing up. "Who are you?" he asked.

Grace stopped in my tracks, remembering something.

Mama was only five months pregnant when Papa died. He didn't know she was with child. So he didn't even know Grace existed.

"Papa, my name is Grace. I'm your youngest child. I was born November 24, 1804. I cursed the Hamilton name after I almost killed mama. I was born the day Philip died, the year you did. I died today of smallpox, breaking mama's heart." Grace didn't know when, but somewhere during the explanation of her existence, she broke down in tears. Papa held her close, whispering that everything would be okay. She clung to him, because though she'd never met him until that day, he was her father, and she loved him.

He introduced her to his parents, Rachel and James. His brother, James Jr. Her brother Philip, Auntie Peggy, the Washingtons. Everyone who died before Grace was born, or that she was too young to remember. She was finally able to meet the people she had grown up hearing about. Grandma Rachel, who had left her abusive husband and fell in love with Grandpa James. Philip, who had died in a duel defending their name. Auntie Peggy, who kept her younger sibling safe from the redcoats during the revolution. Mr Washington, who was like the father Papa never had. It was amazing to really see them.

But did they want to see her?

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