Chapter 2: The Announcement

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Have a good day, Amelia. And please, don't get into trouble" (Y/N) smiled as she saw her sister enter the school. Once Amelia was out of sight, the older sister went to 'Dungworth's Diner'.

On her way, she passed by a coffee shop, and the fresh coffee's aroma burst through her nose. Biting her lower lip, she wished she could have something as nice as coffee in the morning. The shops were all as busy as always, customers coming in and coming out with bags of delightful treats.

The doorbell rung as (Y/N) entered the already busy diner, and people filled the empty seats to drink their coffee or eat breakfast.

"(Y/N)! Stop blocking the door and get to work!" Mr. Dungworth yelled at her. The girl sighed and muttered, "not even a good morning...".

(Y/N) put her purse, and her coat inside the locker, and wore her apron before coming out of the changing room and started working.



"Good morning, class. Please take out your math book, we're going to start new lesson today" the teacher said, as the students took out their books.

Amelia was about to take out her pencil, but she couldn't find it. She needed one. So, she had an idea. Lucky for her, she was sitting at the very back of the classroom, so nobody will catch her.

While the teacher's back was facing the students, Amelia took the chance and looked at her male classmate on her right busy whispering something to his friend, she swiftly grabbed his pencil and started writing her notes. Pretending that nothing's wrong.

After her classmate finished talking, he noticed that his pencil was gone. But there was a prime suspect. He glared at the chestnut-haired girl near him.

"Can't believe that thief stole my pencil!" he whispered to his friend. "Someone should teach her a lesson!" his friend whispered back, angrily.

The two classmates plotted against the Relish girl.

After a few classes, it was now lunch time. While everyone took out their lunches, Amelia's eyes caught a girl putting a Wonka bar in the pocket of her backpack that was hanging on the chair.

Amelia always wanted a Wonka bar, and the tempting wrapper of the chocolate bar made her feel like she was being hypnotized. The little blonde girl sitting in front of her, who also had her back facing her, was giggling as she ate her lunch and talked with her classmate.

Amelia took the chance and reached her hand from under the table so she can grab the chocolate bar.


A big hand suddenly grabbed her wrist tightly, making the Relish girl gasp and widen her eyes.

"You trying to steal again, thief?!" the boy from before hissed, slowly earning the attention of the whole class. Amelia angrily pulled her hand away from him and glared at him.

"I wasn't stealing anything!" she retorted. "I saw you trying to steal the Wonka bar! You're not just a thief, you're a liar!" the boy spat, angrily.

Amelia gritted her and lunged at the boy who was a little bigger than her! The whole class started screaming in fear as the two started fighting. In between the slapping, and pushing of each other, a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders firmly, yet gently, pulling her away from the fight as the teacher came in class.

Amelia turned her head to see a pair of big, beautiful blue eyes of a boy. She couldn't help but stare at them.

"What is the meaning of this?!" the teacher asked angrily. "Amelia tried to steal that girl's Wonka bar!" the boy got up and yelled, pointing at the chestnut-haired girl.

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