Chapter 17: Life Has Never Been Sweeter (FINAL)

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(3rd Person's POV)


The Relish girl cried tears of joy knowing that the chocolatier wants to spend the rest of his life with her and start a family of their own. She threw herself between his warm arms as they embraced each other so tightly that they were afraid to let go and one of them will disappear.

After backing away, Willy smiled as he took the beautiful ring, held (Y/N)'s left hand, and inserted the ring on her finger. The two smiled happily at each other, and leaned in as they shared a passionate kiss.

The scene changed to one with the chocolatier and the Relish girl kissing each other in the middle of the meadow, surrounded by candy flowers, candy lights as the place was dim, and everyone, including the Oompa-Loompas, were there to witness the marriage of the two. (Y/N) was wearing a beautiful light pink dress that was as poofy as a cotton candy with pearl candies on the bottom, and coloured ones by her chest. She was wearing a silky pink veil that was also made out of candy. Even the flower bouquet she held was made of candy.

While Amelia was wearing a cute, poofy pink, blue, green, and purple dress that was glittery, and had a big pink bow on the front. She was the flower girl for the bride, as she happily walked down the aisle before her older sister did. While Charlie wore a nice tuxedo as he was the ring boy, and also Willy's best man. While Amelia was (Y/N)'s bridesmaid as well.

The Bucket family, and Willy's father, Dr. Wilbur Wonka, sat in front of the two newlyweds, smiling as they were happy for the bride and groom. The Oompa-Loompas sang the same beautiful song they did on their date, which (Y/N) requested because she loved it so much. And Willy couldn't agree more, they are certainly great workers.

Willy helped repay the Relish family's debt, and so, (Y/N) quit working for Mr. Dungworth in the process. She slammed a creamy pie in his face when he refused to let her go, and Willy couldn't help but chuckle. She also quit her job in the pub, as she didn't want to keep seeing drunken people act inappropriately towards her. She eventually worked as the new manager of a candy shop that belonged to Willy Wonka.

Things have never been better for the Relish family...

One year later, Willy was pacing back and forth anxiously outside a room with Mr. Bucket, Grandpa Joe, Charlie, and Amelia. While (Y/N) and Mrs. Bucket were inside. For the Relish girls, the Buckets were like a second family to them.

After a while, a crying sound echoed from inside the room which caused Willy to mentally panic and wish to run in and see if his wife is not in pain. But Mr. Bucket assured him that she's fine, slightly calming the chocolatier down.

An Oompa-Loompa wearing a doctor's uniform walked out, pulling down his mask as Willy kneeled down to his level, and the Dr. Oompa-Loompa whispered in his ear. A huge grin appeared on Willy's face, as the little person smiled as well.

"Thank you!" Willy said, standing up again. He turned his head to the four standing and staring at him curiously. "We can go in now" Willy added.

As they all walked in, Willy's heart melted like a chocolate at the beautiful sight in front of him. (Y/N) was lying in bed while Mrs. Bucket was standing next to her, both of them smiling.

Between her arms, was a little Wonka...

(Y/N) smiled up tiredly at her husband as she held their daughter. Willy walked up next to her and got a look at his first-born child.

"She's beautiful...Our little cocoa bean, Winnie Wonka" Willy whispered, smiling. (Y/N) nodded eagerly.

"Hold her" she whispered, and Willy looked at her with a surprised face as the Relish girl gave him a pleading look. The chocolatier smiled and leaned his cane on the bed, and gently held little Winnie Wonka.

He chuckled nervously, "Hehe...H-Hey, there, Winnie. I'm your dad". (Y/N) and Mrs. Bucket giggled.

Charlie and Amelia approached Willy with excitement. "Can we see her?" Amelia asked. Willy kneeled down and the two saw the baby, their eyes sparkled in awe at how cute she was.

"Amelia, you must be happy that you're Winnie's aunt now" Mr. Bucket stated, smiling. Amelia then gasped, "I'm an auntie?!". Everyone nodded and she squealed with joy.

For the Relish girls, they were finally free of debt, and lived in a place that had enough space for both of them. And (Y/N) was more than happy that she got to see her little sister live a happy and decent life, with no need to get envy of other children. As for her, she met the person who will always make her smile and surprises her with his personality. And she married him.

As for Willy, he didn't just understand the importance of family, but he also learned about love. The chocolatier has never been so happy knowing that he now has a family, and a love life that will stay with him forever. And now, he has a family of his own.


6 years later...

(Y/N's POV)

"Come on, kids. It's dinner time" I said, smiling at my children who were playing in the meadow.

"Okay, mom!" my daughter yelled, she then held her little brother's hand, Wilbur Wonka, and walked towards me. I smiled as I kneeled down and gave both of them hugs and kisses.

After I had Winnie, Wilbur came 2 years later. So, Winnie is now 6 years-old, and Wilbur is 2 years-old.

Willy wanted to name his son after his father, and Dr. Wonka have never been so happy after he met his grandchildren and know that his grandson will carry his name as well. Willy convinced his father to return to the town, and live near them, so it would be easy for them to visit each other.

Dr. Wonka couldn't agree more. He now owns a small dental clinic, and his business flourished as the patients came to him for check-ups about cavities, or put on braces, or remove them, and so on. Especially for the children, since they eat candies most of the time.

My dear little sister Amelia has grown as well. She's 18 now, as well as Charlie. Sometimes I tease her about her and Charlie being cute together, while her face turns red. Haha!

I went back inside the cabin with my kids, and helped Mrs. Bucket with the food, while Mr. Bucket added the chairs, and Grandpa Joe shuffled the plates. As for Willy, Charlie, and Amelia, they were busy inventing new candies for the world.

Just in time, Charlie and Amelia walked in, followed by my beloved husband.

"We're home!!" Charlie and Amelia announced together. We welcomed them back.

"Daddy!" Winnie and Wilbur ran up to their father, as kneeled down and hugged them tightly. I walked and hugged Willy after he stood back up and gave him a peck on the lips. "How's work, darling?" I asked him.

"Great like always, dear. I think these two are onto something" he said, smiling at me.

We all sat down, I let Wilbur sit on my lap, and Winnie was next to me on my left, while Willy was on my right. We had to bring a bigger table since there were so many people in this small cabin. I started feeding Wilbur, while everyone was eating their dinner.

Then I looked around, and remembered that night...

The night when Amelia opened a Wonka bar and found the sixth golden ticket that was added by a mistake. A happy mistake one would say.

If it weren't for that little mistake, Willy and I wouldn't have been together.

It truly was the cherry on top of our life...


The End.

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