Chapter 12: Butterflies

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(3rd Person's POV)

At night, Willy kept turning on his bed, trying to sleep. But he just couldn't. He groaned and got up, needing to talk to someone.

He wore his daily clothes and top hat and made his way to the meadow where the Buckets' little house is. The family members were already sound asleep, so Willy tried not to make any noise that would wake them up.

He picked up a small candy and threw it at Charlie's attic room window. The boy opened his eyes as he thought he had heard something. When he made sure it was nothing, he was going to close his blue eyes again when another candy hit his window.

This time, Charlie woke up and looked through the window with sleepy eyes to see Willy standing outside.

Willy motioned for him to come outside, and the boy climbed down from his tiny room to the wooden door quietly, so he doesn't wake his parents, or his grandparents.

"Mr. Wonka, it's late. Why are you still up?" the boy asked, tiredly. "I can't sleep. I need to talk" Willy stated, anxiously.

The two went to sit under a tree that had small candies that light up at night like fireflies.

"So, what's bothering you?" Charlie asked. Willy groaned, "Remember when we were about to go see my father, and then you told me to also go visit (Y/N) and Amelia?".

"Yes" Charlie answered. "Well, I went to see (Y/N) today, and I...I talked to her about the whole Amelia and the secret recipe thing. But when I walked into the diner and saw her, I felt...something".

"What did you feel?" Charlie asked, staring at the man with the top hat. "I don't know. I felt my heart pounding so fast, and my stomach felt like it was trembling, and...I also felt like my lungs were running out of air. I think I'm sick or something, I should see my doctor first thing in the morning" Willy explained, frowning.

"Do you feel like this all the time?" Charlie asked, as he realized something. "Do I? Haha...Do I?" Willy giggled nervously when his smile faded, and stared into space, having another series of quick flashbacks of (Y/N) smiling or giggling.

"Mr. Wonka?" Charlie frowned as he called the man, making the man softly gasp as he returned to reality. He looked at Charlie, gulping nervously.

"No...It only happens whenever I look at (Y/N). I was okay the day of the tour, but as I moved on with you and other kids, I couldn't help but stare at her whenever I got the chance. But I didn't want her to think of me like I was some sort of creep, so whenever she looked around, I look away" Willy bit his lower lip.

"Okay, I think she infected me with something" he then stated. Charlie smiled up at Willy, "That's not an infection, Mr. Wonka. That's called love".

Willy immediately scowled at the little boy, "What??".

"I think you might have a crush on (Y/N). That's why you've been feeling like this. The shivering in your stomach are butterflies, they happen when you look at someone special. And your heart pounds fast because you feel excited seeing that special person, or just being nervous around them" Charlie explained with a wide smile.

"Ew. Butterflies in your stomach? That's just weird. But it's the right description..." Willy sighed. The man rested his gloved hand where his heart was.

It was still pounding like drums, which was odd. He doesn't see her right now, yet somehow, for him, the Relish girl was still in head.

"You should ask her out" Charlie suggested. "Ask her out? Hah, no way. Forget it. I've always been so busy working on my candy, there was never a time for something such as love" Willy's chest felt tighter than before as if somebody kicked the air out of his lungs. It was like his body was protesting against his objection for not asking (Y/N) out.

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