Chapter 11: Apologies

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(Y/N's POV)

"I-...It's-...Uh..." Amelia stammered as she looked at me in fear. She wanted to run back into the bedroom, but I grabbed her wrist tightly and turned her around, so she faces me.

"Amelia Relish, what is this?!" I asked her, angrily. "Let go of me!" she tried pulling her hand away, but I held her still.

"Where did you get this?! Did you steal it from Mr. Wonka?!" I asked her, again. "Isn't it obvious to you?!" Amelia retorted.

"Don't try to get out of it, Amelia! And answer my questions! Did you steal this from Mr. Wonka?!" I interrogated her, almost raising my voice at her.

"Yes!" she snapped, making me stare at her. Silence grew thick in the air as she kept trying to pull her hand from my grip, but I didn't even loosen it up.

"When did you steal it?" I asked her, this time, quietly yet sternly. Amelia avoids eye contact as she groaned, "Wh-...When we were in the 'Inventing Room'".

*Flashback + (3rd Person's POV)*

While everyone was busy staring at Violet become a massive blueberry, the Oompa-Loompas showed up and started singing.

Amelia was standing right next to Mr. Wonka, who was busy dancing to their song. She noticed something sticking out of his coat's pocket, and her eyes glanced up to the smiling man with the top hat, and the small thing in his pocket.

Taking advantage of his distraction, Amelia swiftly grabbed the object from his pocket, which turned out to be the secret recipe. Her eyes widened, but quickly softened so she doesn't look suspicious, and shoved the secret recipe in her pocket.

*End of Flashback + (Y/N's POV)*

"I stole it because if we could give it to the other chocolate factories, they'll pay us hundreds of thousands of dollars! We'll be able to repay our parents' debt, an...and buy our own house!" Amelia justified.

"I can't believe you did this, Amelia! Do you realize how much trouble we're going to get if Mr. Wonka found out?! I've told you before over and over again that stealing is wrong, and it will bring nothing but trouble to you, and yet, you're still doing it!" I scolded her.

"Everybody already has every-..." Amelia tried to talk back.

"I'm so sick of this darn excuse! You know, I work so hard every single day, and try to earn as much money as I can even by breaking my back scrubbing, and cleaning, and cooking at the diner, and when I return home, I make us food, and do the laundry, and pay the rent! But all that seems like nothing to you because you're too busy stealing from other people, which makes people look at me like I'm a parasite! I've had it with you, Amelia! I've had enough!!" I snapped at her.

Tears streamed down Amelia's cheeks as I glared at her, my breathing was so heavy I felt my chest would explode at any minute.

"First thing in the morning, you will go to the factory, give this back to Mr. Wonka, and apologize to him!" I said, gritting my teeth. Amelia sniffed, nodding.


The next day...

(3rd Person's POV)

(Y/N) got ready for her work as Amelia silently watched her leave without even saying goodbye to her little sister. She was still angry with her.

For the first time, (Y/N) snapped at Amelia, and it scared her. She held the secret recipe in her hands, feeling ashamed for what she did that she can't look at her older sister in the eyes anymore.

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