Chapter 13: Dancing Between the Stars

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(3rd Person's POV)

Willy felt that this night is the best night he had ever experienced. Obviously, it felt different than chocolate, but it still made him so happy.

He extended his gloved hand to the special woman in front of him, as she gladly took it with the sweetest smile on her lips that could melt the chocolatier himself.

Willy walked (Y/N) to the table under the magical candy tree, to the table, and pulled the chair for her to sit.

"Oh, thank you" (Y/N) spoke, sitting down. Willy smiled and walked around to the other side of the table, and sat across from her, leaning his cane on his chair.

"This place is beautiful, Willy" (Y/N) said, dreamily looking around the small candy lights. "Are those twinkling lights made out of candy?" she asked.

"You know it. Go ahead, try some" Willy answered with a bright smile. (Y/N) grinned, and her hazel with green flecks eyes laid on one that was near her. Willy's heart raced as the twinkling candy sparkled in her eyes, making him get lost in them.

As the girl plucked the small candy, its light went off, but she got to see that it was just a white candy. She brought the candy to her mouth and ate it. Her eyes widened, and Willy smirked. The candy was crunchy on the outside, but on the inside was the hot melted chocolate from the river. The sweet goodness spread all over her mouth, as she closed her eyes and savoured it, it was so good her body shivered which caused her to moan.

Realizing that she was being inappropriate in front of the chocolatier, again, her eyes shot opened and looked at Willy, who was staring at her, and her face turned as red as a candy apple.

"I-..." she stammered. "It's okay, I know you liked it. Now, on with our date" Willy reassured her. (Y/N) bit her lower lip as she adjusted herself on her seat, still embarrassed by what she did.

Willy took notice of that and decided to do something. He lifted one of his gloved hands, and snapped his fingers, (Y/N) looked confused, and in a matter of a second, the Oompa-Loompas showed up with dinner in their hands. One of them was wearing a waiter's uniform, while another was wearing a chef's attire with the hat on.

The little waiter placed the covered dishes in front of the two adults and uncovered them to reveal a T-bone steak. (Y/N) smiled at the delicious looking food.

"Thank you" she said to the two Oompa-Loompas, they smiled and left. As she was about to grab the fork and knife, Willy stopped her.

"Wait, there's one more thing left" he said, causing the girl to look confused. Willy snapped his fingers again, and slowly, and music started playing.

It sounded like a piano was playing, and a voice started singing beautifully. When (Y/N) was looking around, she spotted two Oompa-Loompas all dressed up, one was playing the piano, and the other was...wearing a dress.

"They made this song just for you, (Y/N)" Willy said, smiling softly. (Y/N) smiled widely as she stared at the Oompa-Loompas in awe, enjoying their beautiful and romantic song that, for the first time, didn't have any mockery for anyone.

"Oh, Willy, this song is amazing. I can't believe you did all of this" (Y/N) said, her eyes began to tear up due to sheer happiness.

"Well, believe it. Because I want this night to be perfect for you" Willy said, his eyes didn't even look anywhere else besides her.

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