Chapter 14: Working Hard for the Money

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(3rd Person's POV)

It's been a few days since the date night, and whenever (Y/N) wakes up from her slumber, she is met with the bitter reality of her life, which aches her heart every time.

That night, (Y/N) forgot all about her worries. It was only her, Amelia, and...Willy.

But, to this day, Willy's words still echoed in her head, she tried to push them to the back of her head, however they were too strong for her. The Relish girl ended up crying herself to sleep for days, she tried not to make any noise so she doesn't wake Amelia up.

It wasn't long until the landlord gave the two girls their last warning to pay the rent, and that's when (Y/N) realized that she had no other choice but to find a night job after she is done with 'Dungworth's Diner'.

However, the only place that stays open until very late was the pub, 'Evan's Tavern'. So, once (Y/N) finished her job at the diner, she made her way to the bar that had a few customers inside. As soon as she opened the door, the smell of alcohol burst through her nostrils which caused her to feel so nauseous she almost threw up.

But she had to suck it in and walked towards the bartender.

"Um, excuse me, I would like to work here. Is there someone I can talk to?" she asked, nervously. "What's your name, miss?" he asked.

"(Y/N) Relish" she answered. "Alright, stay here" the bartender walked to the back to a room where the owner is assumed to be inside. A minute later, and the bartender came out, followed by another man.

"Good evening, Miss Relish. My bartender just told me that you are looking for a job, is that right?" the owner asked. The Relish girl nodded, "Yes, I am".

"Well..." the owner rubbed his chin as he thought about what he could offer to the girl.

"Sir, we could use someone to clean the tables while I serve the drinks" the bartender informed.

"Do you have any knowledge in mixing alcohol?" the owner asked. "No, sir" (Y/N) shook her head, frowning. "Okay. Have you ever worked in a bar before?" he asked again.

"No, sir" (Y/N) answered.

"Have you ever dealt with drunken customers?" he, once more, asked.

"No, sir" she shook her head. The owner then hummed, his eyes looked down at the skimpy skirt the girl was wearing, and the high heels, a mischievous smirk appeared on his face. In return, making the poor girl feel uncomfortable.

"Very well, welcome aboard. My name is John Evans, I'm the owner of this tavern. And this is Jasper, the bartender. Over there is the staff room, you will also find a staff only restroom inside. Put your stuff in a locker, and change your shirt, you'll find a new white shirt, a black vest, and a bow hanging in the locker" Mr. Evans explained as he pointed at the staff only room.

"Thank you, sir!" (Y/N) beamed, as she then walked to the staff room, and locked the door. The girl found an empty locker, which had the bar's clean uniform. She put her stuff in the locker and changed her top with the uniform. She found a small mirror on the wall, and then tied her hair into a bun, and made sure that she looked presentable before walking out.

(Y/N) walked to the counter as Jasper looked up and down at her and smiled. "You look perfect. Now, for your first task, I need you to take these drinks to that table, and then clean the other table and wash the empty glasses".

The girl took the tray from the bartender, "Oh, right away, sir". "Oh, just call me Jasper" the man smiled, which made her blush a little. Jasper wasn't too old, he looked like he's in his early thirties, and was quite handsome.

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