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46. ​​Rich Woman Game 46 Working hard for the position of cadre...

  In your imagination -

  Dazai Osamu perfectly blends into the children, chatting and playing games with them. Like a real naive child, even if he is a little naughty, while healing the children, he is also being healed by the children.

  The actual Osamu Dazai -

  teaches children how to play with dangerous weapons, and recruits and trains talents for the mafia in advance. (in a passive sense) teaching children to commit suicide and demonstrating various unhealthy ways of committing suicide. He even blurred the children's understanding of the world and taught them to regard Sakaguchi Ango as their mother.


  Looking at it this way, Osamu Dazai was kicked out of the orphanage just now by Oda Sakunosuke and Sakaguchi Ango. It is really because those two people have good tempers. It could be seen that the two of them had reached the limit of their endurance and had no patience before they did such a disrespectful thing.

  "Ango wanted to throw me out of the orphanage, and even Odasaku didn't stop him." Dazai Osamu's voice was a little depressed.

  You really don't know what to comfort Dazai Osamu. After all, the things Dazai Osamu did are not too correct. And if Dazai Osamu said this, further research would reveal that the first person who wanted to kick Dazai Osamu out of the orphanage should be Oda Sakunosuke.

  Seeing Dazai Osamu's depressed look, you originally wanted to tell him that Oda Sakunosuke and Sakaguchi Ango had hinted to you not to let Dazai Osamu go to the orphanage a few days ago. But after thinking about it, I decided not to say it out loud, otherwise it would make Dazai Osamu feel even more depressed.

  Dazai Osamu still lowered his head, like a mushroom that had been wilted by the sun. Seeing that he was not in a good mood, you still comforted him: "It's okay. Next time you go to play with the children, just don't do these things." But unexpectedly, Dazai Osamu suddenly raised his head

  . His bright eyes were full of excitement and laughter: "But the way those children hugged Ango's trouser legs and cried, 'Mom, I want a kiss and a hug,' was really funny hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" "

  Seeing him laughing so hard that his body couldn't stop shaking, you immediately retracted your hand that wanted to stroke his hair.

  Okay, Dazai Osamu has played so many pranks, do you really think he would feel depressed just because his best friend kicked him out of the orphanage?

  Dazai Osamu finally stopped laughing, and he stretched: "But in the next time... I probably won't have time to go to the orphanage anymore."

  Dazai Osamu was as lazy as if he had no bones . 's close to you. Maybe it was because your hair felt itchy when his cheek rubbed against it, so Dazai Osamu casually grabbed a lock and rolled it between his fingers to play with it.

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