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66. Rich Woman’s Game 66 The Eternal Killer③

  Shopping is generally a good activity.

  Because you feel guilty and don't know how to coax Dazai, you simply follow him half a step behind, watching his long white fingers relaxed and half-curled, and your arms swinging back and forth slightly following his walking movements.

  "Sister, where are we going?" Osamu Dazai paused and turned around to ask. Confused, you braked suddenly and almost bumped into him.

  "Go to my house." You blurted out.

  After seeing Osamu Dazai seem puzzled and unfamiliar for a moment, you changed your words calmly: "Go to our house."

  Osamu Dazai: "... us?"

  You nodded: "We."

  The dark clouds above Osamu Dazai seemed to disperse. Opened up a little.

  Mood value +1.

  It is also because [Dragon Head Resistance] originally wanted to protect your safety, so naturally your residence is not too far away from the Port Mafia. The so-called shopping mainly involves walking.

  When Dazai Osamu came within the range of [Dazai District], he was keenly aware of the strangeness of the surrounding facilities. Of course, the well-informed Dazai Osamu immediately positioned these facilities as - "Is it the expansion of [Dazai Street] 20 that my sister once said?"

  You nodded hastily.

  Just when you were walking on the roadside, you saw a stranger walking straight towards you. When I passed by you, I just passed by you casually.

  After the man passed by, Dazai Osamu squinted his eyes and smiled triumphantly, as if his evil deeds had succeeded.

  You: "What are you laughing at?"

  Dazai Osamu did not answer, but just gestured for you to extend your hand. When you stretched out your hand in front of him in confusion, he put his clenched fist into your palm. Then your fist unclenched, and a small pendant fell from your palm.

  It was a small cotton doll with two heads and a Q version of Osamu Dazai, with half a bead chain hanging from the button on the top of his head. As for the doll's expression, it is exactly the same as the one on the packaging box of "Energetic Stewed Chicken", showing the crazy expression of eating poisonous mushrooms.

  "I got it from the passerby's backpack."

  "Well..." You didn't know what to say.

  "This doll looks like me."

  "It's you."

  "So why was there... me on that person's backpack just now?"

  "Gift." You answered honestly.

  "What kind of gift?"

  "Energy Braised Chicken."

  "Energy Braised Chicken?"

The rich woman has a Dazai hidden in her walletWhere stories live. Discover now