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49. Rich Woman Game 49 Winning over Akutagawa starts from Xiaogin...

  "Has sister encountered anything happy recently?" Osamu Dazai asked you curiously.

  Happy things?

  You subconsciously thought of Ryunosuke Akutagawa, who you tricked into helping take care of the children. Ryunosuke Akutagawa, a boy who came out of the slums, has never been against getting along with children. It's just that your request to let him use his powers no matter what makes him feel particularly clumsy and confused when dealing with things.

  But even so, he still stubbornly used this method to exercise his supernatural powers, just to realize his dream of defeating Oda Sakunosuke. Surprisingly, he is a pure and lovely young man.

  Of course, at the same time, he also greatly reduces your workload in helping to take care of the children.

  "If you want to do something happy... hire child labor?" You thought and said such a joke.

  It's a joke, but it's actually true. Ryunosuke Akutagawa can indeed be called a "child laborer".

  Hearing what you said, Osamu Dazai was stunned for a moment, and after he reacted, he made a half-serious joke: "It seems that my sister also has the talent to be a leader like Mr. Mori." You

  . After a moment of reaction, I realized what Dazai Osamu meant in his words. Dazai Osamu is just a child who has not yet reached adulthood, and he has not been arranged so many affairs by Mori Ogai.

  So to a certain extent, Osamu Dazai can be considered a [child laborer].

  "So Dazai, how are you doing at your current job?"

  Osamu Dazai is now working hard for his position as a cadre. Whether it's to overwhelm Nakahara Chuuya or to get what he wants, you can see that he has paid a lot for it.

  "Or if you need it... I can also try to help you?"

  You may not be able to do anything else, but if you just help Dazai Osamu get some business lines, you can still easily do things involving money. Arrived. It's just that you haven't forgotten that if you are involved, then it will not mean much for Dazai Osamu to prove his strength.

  So you tend to be a bystander if you can.

  Sure enough, Dazai Osamu shook his head: "If I need my sister to help, then the position of cadre will probably be further away from me. And..." Dazai Osamu said with a half-smile: "

  Some benefits, or It would be better to make the distinction more clearly. I don't want Mr. Mori to have trouble sleeping at night."

  It doesn't matter.

  "If you are promoted to a cadre, Dazai, you can also have your own direct subordinates, right?" You suddenly thought of the regulations of the port mafia cadres, "Then you can hand over all the miscellaneous things to your direct subordinates. I'll do it."

  This is a good way to be lazy.

  You ruffled his hair skillfully: "Then when you become a cadre, I will transfer Oda Sakuno-kun to you, right?"

The rich woman has a Dazai hidden in her walletWhere stories live. Discover now