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𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐬𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭

It was raining. Two elves desperately try to hurry up and pack a bag. Conflicted, they both were. But the other knew that his lover would harm. The full picture was never given to the king. Even to them, the full picture was left a blurr. The cursed elf and the elf prince. Forbidden.

Trevad let them share a kiss. For they knew how elves can only fall in love once, and never again. It was as if they vowed life to each other before never seeing each other again. Trevad was dangerous, the blood on his lips and the darkness slowly consuming him. Legolas felt the gentle blood dripped from his hand from where he had given to help Trevad. "Let me follow you," he begged. He didn't want to lose him. "For if you let me, I shall leave this kingdom and follow you till the ends of the world,"

The chattering of armor quickly approached the two in the bedroom. "It's time for me to go. I'm not an elf nor man anymore... I'm simply strange. I can not stay here, and I need you to stay here live a life for us here..." he called softly as they broke their kiss, pressing eachothers foreheads together. "melin gin..." Another small kiss was shared before there was no more. Trevad stepped out the window, taken away by the darkness around him. That was the last time he saw His beloved. His beloved eyes followed him as long as he could.


Awarthon rubbed his eyes, once a beautiful blue faded to such a dull gray. Laying on a hammock, he had set up with the elven cloak he still had had all his years of banishment. The sleep he hwas was restless, the skin-shifter known as Beorn, patrolled at these hours of night fall. It was alarming how long he had to stay with the Beorn, but he did what he could to carry his weight. The tasks of helping with food, the animals, and cleaning were all what was expected of him, even with his master. In fact, he had less to do here than with Radagast. Even if Radagast wasn't the most competent, he had to still learn the ways of such a wizard.

Gentle playing of a small Kalimba, his hands dancing with a soft melody. What stopped his playing was sounds. Then the sight of a hoard of dwarves, a hobbit, and a wizard. A dear friend of his masters and that title even extended to this wizard. For he was the wizards apprentice, meaning all wizards. "Master Gandalf," He called from the ceiling beams from where his hammock laid. Practically falling off of the swinging fabric in a scuttle of surprise, he lands in front of them with his ghastly appearance. His elven grace was the only thing that stopped him from not landing on his face. "What are you doing here? Is master Radagast okay?" The spoke with alert. His emotions and voice seemed blunt and straightforward. Despite the hint of alarm. "Who are all these?" The warlock inquired, his eyes darting to each of them as he adorned a worried look, "Dwares... no, no, Beorn will not be appeased. He barely tolerated me being here for so long." Small fangs poked from his mouth as he spoke, gray vine like lines stemmed from his eyes. His sleeves and clothes hid the more ghastly infliction of the thorn like marks that line his arms and darkened his fingertips.

"Ahh Awarthon, the wizards apprentice, my friend," he smiled softly, "Radagast is fine, do not be alarmed," he smiled, clasping the warlocks shoulders as he showed him to the group. Many have more questions than answers. Gandalf is mindful of the distaste the warlock had for touch. "I am quite aware of the situation of dwarves," Gandalf gave a reasonable comfort, but Awarthon wasn't convinced.

"What was that beast that?" One of the dwarves asked.

"Our host," Gandalf replied, "and Awarthon is our guide," he added, looking at the warlock who seemed confused and rather alarmed at this added information he had no clue of. "The beast... His name is Beorn. He is a skin changer," Gandalf explained.

Awarthon assumed this was Radagast's doing. To keep him from danger where he would be able to stay away from too many things that could weigh heavy on his heart, but keep him busy and still working with the woods for the greater good of dwarf kind. "A guide... I see," he nodded firmly about the being the guide part.

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