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Laughter escaped his lips as he made his way sneaking with Tauriel into the prince's Chambers. 851 years old and sneaking around like 50 year old teenagers. Tauriel is practically pushing him through the door as Awarthon quickly tries to gather the courage to enter. Neither Tauriel nor Awarthon were being stealthy. For the door had open.

Legolas opened the door at the sight of them. Awarthon always looked so ethereal to him, his wide blue eyes and hair that would be considered a too dark of a brown for their beauty standards. "Tauriel... Trevad," he said, giving a small polite bow and a smile rolling his eyes at the two.

"Well! I will be off!" Tauriel smiled, giving Awarthon a sideways glare. A small laugh escaped her lips as she made her way down. She shook her head slightly as she had successfully set up the two.

Entering the room, Trevad pulled down the hood of his cloak and removed it. Legolas took it and set it on the coat rack. "Such a gentleman," Awarthon spoke teasingly. For they had been freinds since 81. About late teens. But only grew as close as this around 694, "I know it's not traditional, but then again I have never been traditional," the younger elf spoke, pulling from his bag a small bottle. "I wanted to show you my craft, not the cleric healer Trevad, but the... I shouldn't be dabbling in things outside my status," he teased. "I tend to enjoy things out of my status," he flirted. His flirting was always strong. Akin to that of a dwarf or human. But his storytelling abilities were that of a halfling or wizard. Awarthon was everything but elf personality wise.

Legolas smiled softly and gladly took the potion bottle that was slightly larger thbe his hand and was in a heartshapped brown jar. "I see. may I?" He asked with a squint of his eyes. Being playfully skeptical, as he popped off the glass lid. His eyes widened at the sudden chemical reaction of a light green cloud of smoke that formed a small shape of a heart. "Fitting. Now, what does it do?" He asked, wondering if he should save it.

Awarthon put the lid back on it. "In books I have read. They always account for a story of the heros beloved giving them straight to carry on. Well, I wondered... how could I do that. For I'm not good with words nor with morale. But... I have a skill. It's a potion of lovers' courage. It helps convert oxytocin into dopamine and endorphins for bravery. Beacuse oxytocin is purely just sertonin and dopamine..." Legolas could listen to this all day. Hearing rambles that he never could keep up with. For science started out rather simple terms before fading into words that didn't sound like any language. "So I must think of you before I take a sip?" He asked with his own small flirt, deciding it was time to end the explanation.

"Yes and only a sip. It should last for many years if used correctly," he heeded a warning. "It won't give you strength, just a boost of bravery -" wide-eyed, he watched Legolas take a sip. Legolas was coughing and trying to cover his mouth as he bent over, catching his breath. "Legolas!"

Laughs escaped Legolas' lips instantly, and he appeared less stressed. The door shut being Awarthon. And Tauriel finally truly left.

"That I would love you... Trevad" legolas finished, his voice breathy and warm. Quickly moving to embrace his lover once more with a warm and elegant grace he had always possesses. Legolas hadn't felt love for anyone since. For elves fall once, then never again, it was overwhelming how much he had missed Trevad. It was relief. It was safety in knowing he was okay after all these years.


The slap shocked Legolas as he quickly took note, being the gentleman he is, stepped back. It had been years. In that time, so much had changed for Awarthon. Legolas had changed. For both have become from what he could tell. More... rough. Especially Awarthon, who used to have a wide eyed-sweetness. "My necklace," he commanded, holding out his hands the tattered glove the elf had clearly changed. He grabbed the necklace and put it on. The blood in the necklace seemed to mist through the bottle and into Awarthon. "It's Awarthon... I don't use Trevad. It no longer fits what i am," he said harshly, standing up. As legolas was still on the floor. His face unmoved as he started to feel the emotionless numbness of his magic in check and the calming. The branch slowly crawled back into him. Just like they did at the cave. Soaking into his skin like black lines that snaked up his arms.

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