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Slowly, Legolas found himself preferring the company of Awarthon. Sitting in the trees high above where the sun reached and danced on their skin. Where birds seemed to flock to Awarthon, who felt so at peace, it was like he was weightless amongst the branches. Over the years, he had built a small platform that laid above his house, where he would rest on days he didn't need to go home. The sun danced in his hair and made his dark blue eyes feel like the ocean. "Legolas. Where are you even listening to me?" He asked with a small whine as he flopped down next to him. He rests his head on his lap, "I swear I pour my deepest darkest secret, and you wouldn't even notice," he laughed softly, looking up at the blond elf.

"I would, of course, pay attention to that," Legolas hummed as he let himself play with the dark aumber hair ends. For the hair ends was for that of freinds but near the scalp was for lovers or family. "All the more to tease you with," he smiled softly. He was falling in love. It was a feeling that was uncommon and one he had never experienced. An elf falls once and then never again. For how fortunate this was falling for the blue-eyed eye on his lap could as well be a death sentence.

A groan escaped his lips. He assumed Awarthon had been speaking, "I asked you if you are okay..." he said, sitting up facing Legolas. "You been more spaced out this week," he spoke softly, cupping his cheek, "Is everything all right?"

He leaned into the touch, "I am Trevad, just worrying for my future," he sighed softly.

A soft, compassionate look displayed, "What can I do to ease your mind?" He asked softly, letting go of Legolas's face.

"Talk to me about the potion of romance?"

"So you were listening!" His face lit up, "well I want to know what it feels like so I know what it is when..."

They talked all night.


Tauriel had hidden Awarthon away outside the gates. Sitting upon the rocks and trees. Feed a small bird from the palm of his hands. Looking foundly at the small creature. "Awarthon. Tell me all you know of your mission," she demanded as she walked over to his side. Awarthon stayed quiet, mouring what he had taken for a dead animal laid at his feel drained dry. As other animals picked at it. She stopped in her tracks. "Oh... Tre-Awarthon," she said softly, noticing what he had done. She moved away the animal husk, having known Awarthon to be a vegan his whole life. She assumed animal death still weighted heavily upon his soul.

"I didn't mean to. I just couldn't stop myself," he said softly as he dropped the last bits of blood into the vile around his neck. "I will tell you on our way. For now, we need to get to kili he was shot - "

"With a mordor shaft," she added gravely upset, "we can not wait for Legolas. we must go now, Awarthon," she said hurriedly, which Awarthon nodded. Tauriel handed him a bag, "I collected you belongings."

"Thank you. He can catch up. He moves quickly," Awarthon said, standing up blood left around his lips and skin. Not being soaked in as he wasn't fighting. He wiped it away and put his leather armor and potions back on. And the cloak Legolas had given him as a courting gift. "He isn't going to be appeased at our defiance," They quickly started off making their way to the mountain.

"Has that ever bothered you before?" She asked with a gentle smile.



Stopping at a clearing, Awarthon and Tauriel stopped their chatter, which was already a low whisper. The feeling of being watched, stakked prickled at their skin. Tauriel readied her bow, and Awarthon readied his blade. Both were waiting for they knew it would be Legolas or an orc. Attacking before knowing would be a grave mistake. Having assumed, Legolas had known they went against his plan of staying low and keeping Awarthon hidden while they worked on a cure. Then, bringing him forth to his father for a sweet happily ever after.

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