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"Wed!" Tinniel exclaimed, having thought her brother died and the prince gone Rouge. Hearing they were together was news to her

They could afford to stop for a rest. Ahead of schedule for a few days, easily they could stop and rest. Bilbo looked like he needed it. A tired hobbit who had only been able to sleep on horseback, and even then, that was broken sleep. And Awarthon had been pushing his limits with little to no rest and magic use without fuel. The rest was needed. But Thranduil was the blocking factor in knowing what they could do. He never fully cleared up the stance they had, other than an understanding that no matter how much Thranduil tried to protect his son, his son was going to do what he wanted, and so was Awarthon. Yet this left an unknowing stance. Was it okay for Awarthon to be in the kingdom? Thranduil had seen the control he possessed and even fought alongside him. Yet Awarthon abandoned post when Thranduil tried to leave and stayed with Tauriel and Legolas. Legolas knew his father would always let him in, but not if he would let in Awarthon.

"Come with us, Trevad, please. Ada and Ata miss you," she spoke softly and held his hand, "they mourn you with empty hearts," Tinniel spoke softly, wishing for her brother to return. The rest of the patrol had left to set up a rest somewhere else to give the siblings sort of privacy.

Bilbo looked between them, watching as Awarthon struggled to speak. It was the first thing he had said since they had been found by elves, " we are not sure if Thranduil would let him in. He hasn't been too happy since... I stole his keys, prisoners... Awarthon abandoned him in a war... took his son from him... broke his laws..." Bilbo rocked in place, his lisp pierced together.

"We didn't end on best of terms. Legolas pointed a blade to his neck for Tauriel and I. His last things spoken to Legolas I was unconscious for." Awarthon spoke up as he adjusted the bag on his shoulder. "War... five armies... starting a community without permission..." he added.

Tinniel blinked slowly and looked very confused. " Awarthon?" She asked, slowly getting overwhelmed by information. "Hold on hold on. Awarthon, as in the warlock who was spoken of by the trees... for the magic and vines, is my baby brother -" she took a step back from her bewitched brother. "You're starting a whole village... everyone had heard talk of it? Oh my goodness, you were aligned with Mithrandir and Wilinndil. And the skin-shifter oh and the... dwarves," she said dwarves in a sort of malice. "How did you manage with such things?" She asked in wonder.

"Ay. It's why I head to Erebor. To visit my friends," Awarthon did not hold the same tone when speaking of dwarves. It was a tone Legolas still carried, and many, if not all, elves. One point even Awarthon did. "I managed as, well, I would rather enjoy their company than of many elves. Brave and loyal to a sickening amount, and rather... stubborn but open-minded to me. They don't care for elven pleasantries. It's a blunt exchange," Awarthon defended.

It was a similar exchange to that of when Bard and Thranduil spoke to them. Curious as to why Bilbo and Awarthon came with the stones, they asked many questions. Tinniel just slowly nodded. She had always been more picture-perfect. Both her and Awarthon had been ideal faces of elven beauty. She took more care of it. It was her goal to use the most popular smells and clothes. Awarthon tended to not care as much. He didn't find himself all that beautiful and graceful as Tinniel. All he knew was that he was just okay enough to attract a prince to be flushed at his appearance.

Tinniel blinked and smiled softly, her ethereal glow as she nodded. "You haven't changed... not even in 500 years have you changed, well other than the whole... i have quite no clue what happened," she said fondly. "I can not say the same for myself," she laughed softly, looking at the ground, "I'm a gaurd for goodness sakes," she laughed with a sweetness simular to Awarthons

The dark-haired elf approached. Her bow at her side as if still willing to shoot. "Tinnel. We have to bring him back. He was banished. And a traitor to our king," she spoke and held a hand onto her shoulder. The elf gave an apologetic glance as more guards followed her out.

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