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𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮

Every day, the thorns got closer. Legolas helps guide his clumsy companion. With Tauriel not far behind. Acting as a chaperone for the two. Despite being the one to actively encourage their... whatever it was. It was an unspoken courtship to anyone but each other. They never once dared to admit it outloud. It would be blasphemous. For Trevad wasn't of the class that Legolas should even be around. Trevad, the wandering medic, who wasn't much of a medic for man but more so for the world around. A type of vet and botanist who took care of all the animals in the kingdom and took great pleasure in such. being a medic was nowhere near peasants level on the class scale but far from noble blood. Sandwiched between standard citizens and respectable. Less important than a real medic. In fact, he wasn't supposed to be in the castel or on this mission. Tauriel had, quite simply, snuck in Trevad as she knew he would be equipped in investigation of the growing vines.

Thranduil didn't like Trevad. Then again, Trevad wasn't someone many knew how to handle. For he always seemed a bit strange. His expression was akin to legolas despite his unemotional state looking a bit more... blank. And tended to seek pleasure in others finding him... difficult. He spoke in ways that hurt people's brains and tended to enjoy driving people mad. For this was why Legolas liked, no loved, Trevad. The endless banter they had bouncing off each other constantly. Any quick quip was quickly met by another and another. They were both competitive and well. Legolas's serious nature balanced out for Trevads less serious nature. Having pulled Trevad out of plenty of situations where Trevad was causing migraines to anyone who spoke with him. Even if they landed him in the cellular.

Upon reaching the thorns. The elf pulled back his hair. Ones with small braids that signed to everyone he was taken. He started climbing. Legolas and Tauriel followed. "I am starting to think you follow behind me when we climb for the View," Trevad quipped to Legolas.

"Or maybe it's so I can catch you before you grab a loose thorn," he quipped back, watching as his love did just that, almost falling. Legolas jumped quickly to steady him. Giving a painful, "I told you so" look that made Trevad roll his eyes slightly.

Trevad regained his composure as he saw Tauriel side eye them annoyed with the sweet displays. Trevad was annoyed with his long brown hair. He had no clue why he kept it so long other than to fit in. "That was intentional, I wanted to test how desperate you are to win my affection," he teased as they got to the cave it was stemming from. Elves tend to have better vision in the dark. So, no light was needed, but a small potion Trevad whipped up to help add some more light was in his hands. All it would need was a shake.

"This feels... dark," Tauriel said softly as all natural light escaped. The dark mystical fog clouding their vision, "a potion would be quote helpful now Trevad," she suggested.

Trevad obliged, taking out the vile he gave it an aggressive shake. Helping them guide through the dence fog. "This feels like we should turn around," Trevad said, simply looking from where they came. Legolas sensed Trevads fear put his hand in his. For comfort. Affection that was physical wasn't common amongst Elves. Only in private was it allowed. But in such a dark location, Legolas assumed Tauriel wouldn't mind. Even then, she didn't seem to care when the two of them would rather obviously sneak off on patrols she took Trevad on. Trying to bond with a childhood friend instead, he tended to get wisked away by a royal blond. "I'm serious. Something is in here that we shouldn't investigate without proper measures," Trevad warns again. Holding the bottle like a lantern, "I don't know enough magic or potions to get us out of here," he added softly.

Legolas tried to comfort him, "Trevad, nothing will harm you. My father wouldn't send me for a mission that would lead to my death," he reassured as they kept walking. Legolas assumed that work to calm his anxiety ridden beloved. But the sweaty palms said otherwise, and the big blue eyes of worry spoke as well. Legolas always loved how wide-eyed Trevad looked at everything. It made the flirty looks all more surprising. The half lidded look and the crooked smirk that he loved so dear. A fiant spread of reddened blush as if even giving a flirty look was to daring. It was the chase they had found comfort in. They had eternity to have such a chase. Trevad was tanned slightly darker than both Tauriel and Legolas and seemed a bit more slender and lanky than built strong like them both. Trevad didn't require much strength, and he tended to be outside more and less in caves for his specialty. His hair was long and brown, but he kept it up in a bun. Finding the long hair to be a burden and a tedious task to manage. Legolas had taken it upon himself to tend to Trevads hair, a form of intimacy that could be very displayed in the form of specific braid patterns. Trevad caught legolas watching him and gave a small smile. It was a small comfort that even when Trevad was nervous, legolas could manage a smile. It was short-lived. A scream was heard as Trevad fell down a hole. The look of horror on Legolas and Tauriels face was of great panic. Rarely was Trevad thankful for being an elf, for he managed to catch onto a black vine and ride his way down the slippery substance. "Trevad!" Legolas called down about to head down once Trevad landed.

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