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𝐒𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐝.

"No, I shall not give this courting my blessing," King Thranduil said in stone as Legolas looked upon Awarthon with saddened eyes.

"Why," Awarthon spoke up, his wavy brown hair falling along his shoulders as he took a step forward as if to challenge authority. Legolas quickly put an arm up to pull him back.

Thranduil, in reality, had many reasons why he wished to say no. But this display made him stand as intimidating. "For many reasons. Trevad, son of the smith Faunor," he spoke harshly, "for status. For your record. for the fact you have mearly only distracted and gotten many in trouble. You have no respect nor manner. You do not hold the abilities to be a prince along Legolas," he spoke as he got closer to Awarthon, looking down at him. "So why should I let you be with my son,"

Awarthon looked at him dead in the eyes, "So I don't have to break another one of your rules," he challenged.

"Father," Legolas cut him off before he could send Awarthon to the jails once more. "This is a family matter, not one of kings," he reminded, looking at his love annoyed at his stupidity and impressed about his never back down ablity. "I see you wish not to agree to my courting of Trevad. But my heart will never be free without him. For it has chosen, im doomed to never love again. We fell before we asked about courting,"

"This isn't love. It's infatuation with what you both can not have. Go home at once, Trevad, I do not wish to see you near my son ever again." Thranduil commanded, and Trevad turned away, waiting for Legolas to follow. Yet it never came. Instead, Legolas left the opposite way to his room.


"In time, my son... you will find the one,"


Awarthon helped pull stones up and lay them upon the walls. No, this is not what he had imagined happening. For this was dirty work. To avoid helping those in need of what resources they had. For they were to blame for the downfall of Lake Town. Yet they stood by with enough gold to help then start something new. "I want this safe by sunup," Thorin commanded. Watching as they worked, Awarthon took a small break from using his vines to secure the rocks by helping Bilbo push a cart about. "This mountain was hard-won," he paused as he walked, "I will not see it taken again,"

Kili finally spoke up, "The people of Lake Town have nothing. They came to us in need. They have lost everything," Awarthon set the cart down and looked at the sight of beautiful standing your ground.

"Do not tell me what they have lost," Thorin said on the defense, "I know well enough their hardship," a pause filled the air as they continued their work, "those who live through dragon fire should rejoice, they have much to be grateful for,"

More stone. And more stone. Awarthon had drawn back to stand next to Bilbo. They both looked on in worried fear, "war..." Awarthon spoke softly. Turning to face Bilbo. "It's soon,"


Awarthon had yet to disclose the fact that he was an elf. For they others thought he was a meerly part Maia and part human warlock whose magic was corrupting him. Like Gandalf was a Maia wizard. It would make sense with the ethereal look and wise. So Thorin felt comfortable showing the beautiful gems that twinkled like starlight amongst the lights. The necklace that Legolas had spoken about for centuries. He hid his plan. He hid it well as when he and Throin left. A small vine tricked its way up and quickly slid the necklace into Awarthons boot. Just as the door shut, the necklace was secure. The other dwarves who still remained non the wiser. Other than a certain hobbit.

Awarthon returned to his hole in the rafters, sliding the necklace into the leather bag that lay on his thighs. They had made a small ladder for anyone to easily reach him if needed. Or when he did not feel like swinging himself up or climbing the cracks in the walls. The stones were safe in his bag. Folded in his books and bound in bandages. So no noise would be made. He laid down and rested for an easy nap. For if the necklace was to vanish, he would have been resting.

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