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Maybe it was Legolas's attempt at flirting. But he figured it would be fitting. Showing off his skill, which always seemed to ignite something in Awarthons eyes. A cheer and claps or even witty comments. Today was fun. For a group of Awarthon's friends had joined for a day of elevn mischief. Tauriel was an outsider in the group of outsiders. Elves of ages older than Legolas and ages younger than Awarthon. Watching as Awarthon exploited his talent for magic with his love for disobedience and pulling Legolas along. At the clearing, above the trees they gathered. Smoking a sort of pipe, they saw wizards smoke and passing around low quality wine. For these people that Awarthon saw as family were not of noble character. Instead, where of workers who were exhausted from work.

"Legolas ready?" Awarthon asked as he held a leaf pouch that upon Legolas shooting would spark into explosion of flowers and smoke. He knew they could very well get in trouble for this, or he could at least for hanging around Awarthon. And Awarthon had already been previously arrested for illegal magic. Bellow them on the branches where the guests they were giving a show to. In exchange for drinks and party.

Legolas gave a firm nod and watched as Awarthon pulled back a slingshot, the bag flying through the air, and as Legolas's arrow pierced it. A beautiful rose petals with pink glowing mist ignited. It made the risk worth it, watching as Awarthon felt like he belonged. For he knew of Awarthon's stuggles with that of belonging amongst the othe elves. But here, he felt home. And that's all Legolas wanted. To keep Awarthon safe inside while he worked to protect the lands. To preserve this. "That was so cool! Legolas, your aim! It's so exhilarating to watch!" He laughed, throwing arms around him, finding the buzzed male humorous.

"I'm glad my skills are helpful for your art. Its always so inspiring to see what you created in those leaf pouches, " Legolas spoke he couldn't help but hug Awarthon back tightly, rocking them back and forth and laughing along with him. He pulled him away softly, resting hands on his shoulder. A deep breath. "Awarthon... speaking of skills and crafts... would you come to my living quarters tomorrow night. For..."

Awarthon couldn't help but blush at the request. "A craft share... for courting, " Awarthon took a step back with his smile, only growing as they looked at each other with eager eyes, "I thought that we already did that," he started laughing and Legolas had to agree. They spent many moons together working on their crafts.

"No, those were just time together. It's important time together I cherish... and we always lounged around your house or here. I want to follow Traditions if I court you. Meaning I take the lead," he said firmly befote back tracking, "due to my age... we are both male. I dont see you a-"

"Legolas. I know you wouldn't invalidate me. You need not specify. for I know of the customs and traditions. Despite my pension for not following them, I shall play along for you. You play along to mine a lot. I shall visit you and then..." Awarthon playfully wrapped his index finger around one of Legolas's locs of hair. "If all goes well, and you swoon me, I shall place a beautiful braid right here." He said confidently.


They had only taken small brakes. Awarthon and Legolas had an uncomfortable yet comfortable air between them. Tauriel didn't dare mention this. For she knew they tended to hold different moral alignments. And well, Awarthon was fully well known for being... not very law abiding and getting away with it. Yet talk was still going.

"When did you learn to fight?" Tauriel asked, recounting how he moved during the chase down the stream. He assumed this question would he asked, for he hadn't shown his abilities in the past other than throwing a potion or spell and working on healing or assisting where he could. "It's not of elf nor of man. Almost of beast,"

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