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Young Hobbits seemed enchanted by the guest. They had never seen someone who looks like them other than in stories Bilbo spoke of. They had seen elves in the illustrations of their stories but never of someone of Awarthons kind. With the hair not blond but pure white, the darkness around his eyes and lips and the and the black vine like markings that lined his skin. Many children and Hobbits seemed scared of him at first, but he had managed to break down those walls when he acted childish with them. Legolas seemed to have stuck with Bilbo, for he wasn't the most confident type when it came to strangers. Speaking was something he reserved for when he had to or in the accompaniment of those he trusts. At this party, Hobbits seemed to celebrate for anything, but this was a wedding party. Celebrating the wedding of Primula Brandybuck-Baggins and Drogo Baggins. Drogo is Bilbos' second cousin on his father's side. They were both rather young, especially when compared to Awarthon and Legolas.

Legolas had decided to stay by Awarthons' side to let bilbo have time with his family despite seemingly running away from them all. He paid this no mind. He would rather watch the magical being in front of him with admiration as Awarthon told stories and called over birds and various small animals that could excite the small Hobbits. It was pleasant sitting off to the side. He only spoke when Awarthon missed any details of adventures they went on together or if any young hobbits inquired about him.

They had put on formal clothes well Legolas had. Awarthon couldn't be forced into anything. It was a rarity he didn't have on his leather armor or dirt on him. Yet today, he had been scrubbed clean and adorned with a fresh green tunic and clean bottoms that were tucked into dark brown boots with leaf like patterns. Legolas was in gray bottoms and a green tunic as well with lighter colored boots.

This endvor with Hobbits made Legolas rather found of them. Well, and didn't help his growing feeling that Awarthon would make a great king or just a leader. For as much as he didn't understand social ques, he seemed to be able to excite those around him. The ability to feed off of peoples energies to match what they liked to hear and say seemed to come naturally to Awarthon, almost as if he could adorn different masks for each person. For when they were alone, despite being able to read Awarthon, Legolas noticed that Awarthon did much more... strange behaviors. He seemed to be unable to sit still. He spoke of random things that interested him and rituals he knew better than to get in the way of. His voice and way of speaking were also different. He seemed less aware of his face and hands, how his voice sounded with him, and Bilbo. Bilbo seemed to notice this and joined a spot next to Legolas as he watched Awarthon tell stories. "He hides his nerves well," Bilbo spoke to Legolas softly. As if both had noticed the same thing.

Legolas just nodded, "he will fall into slumber by the time we get back," he added softly, watching as Awarthons braid dances loosely around his neck and shoulders. He had been very thankful Awarthon was growing it out. Even if it did cause more people to assume he was a female elf instead of a male elf. Then again, Awarthon always seemed to be very hard to gender. Even Legolas couldn't tell until hearing the very masculine name of 'Trevad' it only became more apparent with such short hair or when it was pulled up. Legolas always set it to Awarthons' soft features. The nose that was rounded and upturned, the wide eyes that sat in a water drop shape, his soft lips that had an almost pouty look. Yet his jawline was sharp, and his face boxy. The transformation hadn't done much to those features. Other than the desaturated appearance and the darkness of corruption around. It did make him stronger, and maybe it was more so a confidence boost but taller. His biggest change was his maturity. He seemed a bit more level headed then before, enough to set aside his differences with his father long enough to fight and protect him in a war.

"Maybe time with the Dwarves made him more comfortable socializing," Bilbo recounted, remembering how Awarthon didn't seem the most socially aware when they first met. But an added confidence of war and a few extra near death experiences seemed to mature him rather quickly within the seven or so months.

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