Devonte- Guess the Non High one

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Waking up to my phone ringing I realised Devonte wasn't in bed I grabbed my phone and answered it Hello -I said Groaning Hey baby wake up time to film -Devonte said Oh shit am I late -I said sitting up and getting out of bed No baby their is traffic so I've called you an hour early -He said Ok thank you I'll be their shortly -I said Ok drive safe love you -He said Love you to -I said hanging up.

Walking to the closet I grabbed clothes and walked to the bathroom I had a shower and got out changing into the clothes I grabbed.

Walking out of the bathroom the dog's were waiting for me hello doggie's -I said, I walked to Danny's room knocking on his door Danny -I said Come in -He yelled I opened the door Hey I'm leaving now so your alone with the dog's but I think Tay mig...

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Walking out of the bathroom the dog's were waiting for me hello doggie's -I said, I walked to Danny's room knocking on his door Danny -I said Come in -He yelled I opened the door Hey I'm leaving now so your alone with the dog's but I think Tay might be coming over I'll ask Wyl when I see him -I said Ok have fun bye -He said Bye -I said.

Opening the front door I walked out and closed it behind me walking to my car I unlocked it.

Hopping into the car I turned it on and put the location in my map's and got to driving, Arriving I pulled into the lot and parked next to Jc's car getting out of the car I locked it and walked up the stair's

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Hopping into the car I turned it on and put the location in my map's and got to driving, Arriving I pulled into the lot and parked next to Jc's car getting out of the car I locked it and walked up the stair's.

Entering the building I saw Wyl sat on the lounge Hey Wyl -I said Hey Y/n Just inside that room are some of the boy's and Jc -He said Ok thank you and also text Danny if Tay is coming over because he is left alone and I don't want him thinking someone's breaking in -I said Yeh true thank's -He said.

I walked into the studio Hey guy's -I said Hey babe -Dev said walking over to me Hey -I said kissing him "Ew get a room" -Savagge said Shut up your just lonely -I said Damn she got you their -Brian said True -Sav said.

;Alright Y/n I'ma have you sit on this chair the boy's are about to go prepare themselve's; -Jc said Ok -I said sitting in the chair, the boy's soon came back into the room and sat down.

;Ok so Y/n you know everyone here and Devonte a bit more then everyone; -Jc said Yes Devonte is my boyfriend -I said ;Devonte has found love everyone; -Jc said as I laughed.

;So Y/n do you think you could figure if Dev is Sober or high; -Jc said Oh I can tell already -I said ;Damn; -He said ;Do you just want to throw him out already; -Jc said Yeh babe you high as shit -I said ;Are you; -Jc asked Yep she's right -Dev said Woo -I said.

Ok so I can just do whatever I want with these boy's -I said ;Yep the floor is your's; -Jc said Ok take your sunglasses off -I said smiling they did as told Can I get out of the chair -I asked ;Yep; -Jc said Ok -I said getting out of the chair.

I walked closer to the boy's Wow this stream went quick -I said sitting in my chair ;Y/n we've been filming for an hour; -Jc said Oh wow geez ok I know my answer -I said ;Y/n who is the sober one; -He said Sav because I've been around him for 3 year's so I know if he act's crazy it ain't drug's it's his personality so Savagge stand your ass up -I said.

Which he did Let's go -I said Woo hoo -I said getting up and doing a little dance the boy's laughed ;Alright chat thank you for watching this stream go check everyone out Zo could you pin the link's to their Insta account's; -Jc said I walked out of the studio and into the main room Oh gosh it stink's in here -I said blocking my nose.

Boy's how much fucking weed did you smoke -I yelled Uh 65 gram's together -Dyl said walking in Bro I don't smoke but I feel high already -I said Which they laughed at. Right I'm heading home love ya's love ya Dev -I said about to walk out I'm coming with -He yelled Oh -I said I'll meet you at the car -I said Ok -He said.

Walking down the stair's I unlocked my car and hopped in I started the engine and let it Idle for along time while turning the Aircon on.

Hearing the passenger and back door open I looked in the mirror and saw Dev Babe why aren't you sitting in the front -I said Because Savagge's tall ass can't fit back here -He said I turned my head "Oh right I'm a taxi now" -I said You got a nice car I wouldn't mind that -Dev said Sav got the Benz -I said "Crashed one" -Sav said Yeh true -I said driving toward's the house.

The End.

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