Chapter 1: Birthday Wish

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It was the evening before Evelyn's 16th birthday. She sat on the stone bench, her notebook in her lap, and a pencil in her hand, sketching the little mechanical lizard that was always attached to the wall. She altered it slightly, making it look less machine and more real.

She knew it was her birthday because that was the only thing Dr Ava let her celebrate, she was given new notebooks and pencils or paints, or a new book. She wondered what tomorrow would be like. She sighed and the little lizards bright red glowing eyes fixed on her.

"Wish you could talk." She said quietly to the thing.

She held out her hand for it. It's lamp-like eyes staring at her. She had done this before, and it was never a good idea, the things had sharp teeth and liked to bite. The lizard climbed up onto her hand, she held her hand flat. It turned its red eyes into her and just focused on her face.

"Should I name you?"

The machine didn't move.

"How about...Hephaestus?"

The machine creature tilted its head

"He was the Greek God of machines, weapons and blacksmiths, silly."

The creature tilted its head the other way, its big eyes never leaving her face.

"Well Hephaestus? What do you think tomorrow will be like? Same as every day?" She paused and watched the thing it didn't move. "your right. Probably the same as always."

There was a knock on her roof top cage, making her jump. The lizard machine didn't like that and clawed at her wrist and bit her, drawing blood.

"Ouch! Hephaestus! What was that for?"

The lizard jumped off and scurried back up the wall, the door opened and Mr Janson walked in.

"Subject X, your up late."

His voice was always so naisley and dry. But tonight he had a smile.

"I like the night." She quietly and shrugged.

She kept her eyes down, concentration on her skin knit back together. Mr Janson watched her intently, she felt his eyes on her. He never did anything, but she always felt uneasy around him. He watched her all the time.

"Well, I have a surprise for you." Her head shot up and her eyes huge.

"Yes. You have asked constantly to meet others."

Evelyn nodded her head.

"Follow me."

He didn't wait for a reply, he just spun around and went back down the spiral staircase. She hesitated for a second and then followed.

Back in her room there was someone waiting for them. She was at Evelyn's book shelf and looking at all her drawings she had taped to the wall.

The girl was about the same height, but where Evelyn's hair was bright sunshine gold hers was raven black. The girl turned around and her bright blue eyes focused on Evelyn. She gave her a smile.

"Hi! My name's Teresa, but you can call me Tes."

Evelyn didn't say anything, she didn't know what to say. She had never met someone her own age, never mind talked. Her mind went blank, and her heart was racing. She was actually scared. She flattened herself to the wall.

"You constantly ask to meet others and now you hide? Come on Subject X!" Janson sighed in frustration. He rubbed his forehead for a second. "She is here to help you get ready. We have another birthday surprise for you." He turned to the girl named Teresa, "you have 5 minutes."

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