Chapter 19: Anger

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Evelyn had fallen asleep curled up, like a cat, in the chair by Newt's bed. King after Newt had fallen back asleep, she stayed up watching, and sketching. Hephaestus had nestled down in the crook of Newt's shoulder and fallen asleep, Evelyn couldn't help but sketch it, it was too cute.

She slept like that for the rest of the night, it wasn't the most comfortable, but she didn't want to leave either. So when Newt's eyes fluttered open and looked around the sun lit room his eyes fell on the girl curled uncomfortably on a hard chair by his bed.

With a frown of confusion and guilt he watched her for a moment. A strand of her hair fell in her face and it fluttered when she exhaled. Her long eyelashes gently kissed her cheek when they fluttered in her sleep. The strap of her dress had slipped a little, exposing her shoulder. Newt wasn't sure if he wanted to cover her up with a blanket, or run his fingers over her soft skin. He hated the way his stomach somersalted and his heart skipped a beat. Their last kiss floated to the surface of his sleepy mind.

Shuck that was the most alive I've felt all year. His mind recreated it for him, he closed his eyes and savored it. The way she let out a gasp of surprise; how she melted into him instantly, her hands running through his hair; the electric feeling in his hands when he touched her bare skin; how her lips felt and tasted. The soft moan she let out when he pushed her into the wall, kissing her in a way he never thought he was capable of; and the way her body just fit his when he pushed up against her. She made him feel alive. He craved more, he needed more; more of her, more of his guardian angel.

With his heart racing wildly he watched her shift slightly, the strap falling just a bit more. His breathing was picking up and his palms were sweaty. Her shift made the notebook in her lap slide off and it landed open. He propped himself up and peeked over the bed.

The pictures on each page were of him. On one side it was more of a headshot, messy shaggy hair, bags under his eyes, he definitely lost weight, but it was the eyes she drew that caught his attention. She made them so realistic it was like looking at an actual photograph, or mirror. They looked so sad and broken. It made him want to reach out and hug the boy, he felt his heart breaking. He stared at it for a long time. He ripped his eyes from the page and looked at the other one. It was him and Minho, by the fire. Their heads thrown back laughing. Again it was so detailed and realistic he could almost hear the laughter from the page.

He tried reaching for the notebook but an unbelievably sharp stab of pain shot through him he gasped and tears pricked his eyes. He cursed so badly Minho would be impressed. Laying back on his back he panted with the pain, he broke out in sweat as his leg throbbed in pain.

"Oh Newt! Hold on! I'll get you more pain meds!" A sleepy worried voice said.

He didn't acknowledge it, too focused on not throwing up from the pain radiating from his ruined leg. She came back with a needle and a clear bottle of clear liquid. He felt a pinch in his arm and then the drugs flowed through him and he let a sigh of relief out. The pain lessened to an ache. He could breathe normally again.

"Thanks." He muttered.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, sitting back down, her head hung.

"What are you buggen' sorry for?" His question came out harsher than he intended, her head was down so she didn't see him flinch at his own voice.

"I...I tried. I tried my best!" He heard her sniff, and watched as she rubbed her eyes. She glanced up at him, and then back to her hands in her lap.

"It wasn't good enough, and now you have to suffer because I couldn't do enough."

He frowned. How could someone who looks like an angel, who gives her all to everyone leaving nothing for herself feel like she wasn't enough?

Instead he said nothing and shrugged lamely. Looking away from her heartbroken face he stared at the wood ceiling, trying to ignore the silently crying girl beside him. Eventually she picked up her notebook, placing it on the bedside table, picked up the duty cups and quietly walked out of the room. Like last night, he turned back to watch her.

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