Chapter 56: Gally's Warning

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Gally stood in the doorway. He had somehow got out of the Slammer. There was a tense silence. Evelyn scrambled to her feet, shoving Chuck behind her. She looked closer at the boy, taking in the details of his appearance. Evelyn's stomach dropped and her heart leapt into her throat.

Gally's eyes raged with lunacy; his clothes were torn and filthy. He dropped to his knees and stayed there, his chest heaving with deep, sucking breaths. He looked around the room like a rabid dog searching for someone to bite. No one said a word. No one moved. Gally's wild eyes locked onto Evelyn's.

"They'll kill you all!" Gally screamed, spittle flying everywhere,  He took a wild ragged breath. "The Grievers will kill you all! One every night till it's over!"

Evelyn watched, speechless, as Gally staggered to his feet and staggered forwards. Thomas and Newt grabbed Evelyn and pulled her away; Gally followed, stumbling forward. Thomas backed up as Gally staggered forwards. He bumped into the broken section of roof.  Gally's wild rage filled eyes had locked into Evelyn again. He turned away from Thomas for a moment.  

"They'll kill you all...Except you!" his hand flung out to point at Evelyn. "They want you back!" 

Evelyn felt her face drain of colour and her body went cold. Her body started shaking. Gally's wild eyes slid over to Thomas.

"You," he said with a sneered, "It's all your fault! You and the other girl!"

Without warning he swung his left hand, forming it into a fist as it came around and crashed into Thomas's ear. He went crashing down to the ground in a yelp. Thomas had scrambled back to his feet as soon as he hit the floor, and pushed Gally away. Gally stumbled backward and crashed into the wall. Before Evelyn could think she jumped forward ready for Gally to retaliate, but he straightened instead, taking everyone in with his mad gaze. Everyone was too stunned to do anything. Evelyn knew he was either stung or the Creators had their hands on him. She was nervous to try and touch him, considering the last few times she touched a Glader who had been controlled...

"It can't be solved," he said, his voice now quiet and distant, spooky.

"The shuck Maze'll kill all you shanks.... The Grievers'll kill you ... one every night till it's over.... I ... It's better this way...."

His eyes fell to the floor.

"They'll only kill you one a night ... their stupid Variables ...and their witch..."

His words kept Evelyn frozen to the spot. Their witch? Who's they, the creators? Evelyn didn't understand what Gally was saying, her eyebrows pulled together in confusion. Her body was still switching between hot and cold, her stomach twisting, making her feel like throwing up. 

Newt took a step forward. "Gally, shut your bloody hole! There's Grievers out there, there's one right out the buggen' door."

Evelyn could hear the clicking, and hum of the Griever still stalking the area. The screams of Grievers and Gladers drifted through the door.  

"Just sit on your butt and be quiet, maybe it'll go away." 

Gally looked up, his eyes narrowing.

"You don't get it, Newt. You're too stupid, you've always been too stupid. There's no way out, there's no way to win! They're gonna kill you, all of you, one by one!"

Screaming the last word, Gally threw his body toward the window by the Council room door and started tearing at the wooden boards like a wild animal trying to escape a cage. Before anyone realized what was happening, he'd already ripped one board free; he threw it to the ground. Gally was going to kill us. Evelyn could hear the Griever coming closer.

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