Chapter 60: Near Death

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The Gladers at the back pushed closer, trying to avoid the deadly monsters slowly stalking towards them. Minho quickly turned to Teresa and pulled her into a quick rough kiss.

"Be safe."

And then then turned and with a loud cry of battle took off towards the Cliff, spear and machete held ready. Newt had done the same to Evelyn, he grabbed her hips and pulled her close.

"Be safe. I love you!" He kissed her so quickly she almost missed it. He was already gone, chasing after Minho. Nick, and Sonny close behind. The rest of the Gladers surged forwards, sprinting around the trio; a tight pack of roaring boys charging ahead to a bloody battle, weapons raised. Evelyn just about threw up again, her sick stomach raising into her throat. Her chest felt like exploding with the amount of panic and histaria that was trying to escape.

She could feel every Gladers fear and panic and pain. Her knees buckled. Teresa held her up until Evelyn got her legs back under her. Thomas held  a hand of each girl tightly in his own, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make their own dash. Just as the first sounds of boys crashing into Grievers filled the air pierced with screams and roars of machinery and wood clacking against steel, Chuck ran past.

Evelyn reached out and grabbed his arm. Chuck stumbled backwards, I held him tight. He looked up at the group his eyes so full of pure raw terror. Evelyn's heart broke again. She felt another piece of it crumble to dust.

"Chuck, you’re with us!"  Thomas yelled over the wild clashing if battle.

Chuck looked over his shoulder to the fight of boys and monsters.

"But …" He trailed off.

Evelyn knew he wanted to be in there, fighting for his own freedom, and wanted to prove he was just as tough and brave as everyone else.

"We need your help in the Griever tunnel, I need you to keep the key safe." Thomas pulled it out and gave it to him, "I'll keep the girls safe, you keep the key safe, and we get out!"

Chuck nodded quickly. Evelyn looked greatfully at Thomas. He nodded, his face set and grim. Evelyn reached out and took hold of Chuck's hand.

"Good. Stick close to the girls." Thomas instructed sternly. "Once we're through, that key will activate and theoretically a door will open."

"We stay close, we stick together... we get through this. We get out now!" Evelyn added.

She knew the time for fear and crying was over. Stealing herself in a deep inhale, Thomas started forwards, pulling the girls and Chuck behind him.

They ran, heads down and hands clamped around each other. Evelyn could hear the boys around her; the screams of the Grievers mixed together with the screams of the boys. Evelyn wished she could just clamp her eyes closed and throw her hands over her ears. The screams of pain and fear were enough to make her want to curl in the fetal position. Boys were doing their best to push the monsters away from the middle, trying to make a clear path.

Thomas had to duck and veer sharply to the left pulling the group with him. Evelyn felt Chuck's sweaty hand slipping. Tightening her grin she yanked him closer and pushed him in front of her.

"Go Chuck!" She screamed. They were almost at the Cliff. She saw a Griever tail flu out towards them, she tried to pull Chuck down, he was still clipped with part of it and he fell forwards, the key fell from his hands. He scrambled after it as Evenly scrambled after him. Chuck dove as the key was kicked by a Glader.

"No!" He screamed.

He managed to grab it, as it flew over the edge. Evelyn grabbed his backpack and hauled him back up. Thomas and Teresa appeared and pulled them up.

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