Chapter 51: Hammock in the Forest

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**this chapter is for mazewriterrr and Themazerunnerwriterr **
🌶️🌶️spicy kissy scenes 🌶️🌶️
**Children cover your eyes and skip this chapter!!**


Can I leave? Please?" Four year old Evelyn asked.

She was standing in the middle of a cold stone room with no windows. There was a man standing in front of her, when she looked up, she couldn't see his face. A hand came down towards her. Evelyn flinched. The hand stopped right before it hit her cheek.

"You will not ask again."

"I'm sorry!" She whispered.

The room faded. Four year old Evelyn was huddled in her bed, in the same dark room and she cried, her arms wrapped around her little body and big tears rolled down her little face. Little Evelyn cried herself to sleep.

A voice that made her shiver, whispered in her head, "WICKED is good."

Evelyn woke up, but she was now 13, but couldn't move. Her arms and legs were strapped down. She tried to open her eyes, but they seemed glued shut. Her mind was working, but her body wouldn't respond. There was a female voice somewhere above her.

"She is old enough for this?"

"Yes, that's the surgery we are doing! I know she has had at least three full regular cyles. If her body can focus on her powers, and less on a menstrual cycle we might be closer to a cure. We might be able to harvest that power for what we need!"

"So you want us to sterilize the girl?"

"Make sure it's still reversible."

"Yes ma'am."

There was a sharp pinch in her neck. Her mind slowed down, and she couldn't focus on anything. Her mind was slow and sluggish. She couldn't focus and understand the voices around her, but her body registered the pain.

Her body spazzumed with the pain. Tears leaked from her under her eyelashes.

"Doctor! I think her body is waking up!"

"How? She has triple the amount of sedatives!"

Evelyn felt another sharp pain that made her heavily medicated body wither, it forced a scream from her mouth.

"There's nothing more we can do, if we give her more she'll die!"

"But she can obviously feel it!"

"It must be her healing powers..."

"Go get Chancellor Paige!"

"Ma'am? The girl can feel the surgery."

"Finish it."

"...yes ma'am."

Evelyn felt something strap her waist down, and such white hot pain in her body she did nothing but scream.

The sinister voice whispered"WICKED is Good."

"Evelyn, he will be here right away. Are you ready?"

"What kind of injury is it?"

"A bullet. To his chest."

A young Evelyn just nodded her head, she had never healed that kind of injury before. She got up off the bed and quickly got ready. Her door was opened and two people in big black masks and helmets came storming in, carrying a man on a stretcher. They placed him down on the wood table she had in the middle of her room. Her green eyes went huge, she had never seen this kind of injury before. There was a lot of blood. Her stomach felt sick, and her head felt kind of dizzy.

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