Chapter 30: Tipsy Little Pixy

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Evelyn was guided across the glade, escorted by Minho and Gally. She kept
stumbling. This time she tripped and the guys didn't catch her in time and she hit the grass. Rolling over, she cursed so bad even Minho was impressed. The guys stood and howled with laughter.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Newt had limped over, having heard the laughter. He caught up to them and noticed Evelyn laying on the grass cursing, "the bloody hell? Evelyn?"

She gasped and pointed at him.


"Yes, you did. Good job Pixy!" Minho grinned. Newt frowned.

"He's so sneaky! He would be good at hide n' seek!" She gasped again pointing at Minho now, "WE SHOULD DO THAT!"

"Not a bad idea." Minho chuckled, crossing his large arms.


"That's my name Lover Boy, don't wear it out!" She looked back at Newt and grinned, pointing at him with a wink. "You're pretty."

"The actual shuck?"

"No, we haven't actually." She frowned.

Newt looked like he was slapped while Gally and Minho choked again and stuffed fists into their mouth to stop laughing. He crouched down beside her with such a look of concern and worry.

"Ev? What's going on? You're acting weird."

She gasped clapping a hand to her chest.

"Take that back! I'mmmmm not weird! You're weird!" She folded her arms, still laying flat in her back and pouted.

"Ev, Love, come on..."

Evelyn giggled. "that's what she said!"

Gally and Minho snorted with laughter, Gally held a hand up for a high five. Newt rounded on the two.

"What the bloody shuck did ya bone heads do to her?"

"We did nothing." Minho laughed, watching as Evelyn struggled to get up. Newt turned back to her and helped her up, she stumbled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling.

"Not here Nooooot! There are people watchin'!"

"I'm not doin' nothin'! Evelyn what the shuck?!"

Her legs gave out for a second and he had to hold her up. She gasped.

"Gaaaaally! I told you! I told you a secret! Newt is really strong too!"

"You sure did little bird. You told us quite a bit."

"Shhhhh! It's a seeecret!"

Newt was frowning at her and Gally. "What did you do this afternoon?"

He looked down at Evelyn, who had slid her hands up his chest and neck.

"Not you, Love Boy! That's for sure!"

The guys were laughing so hard they had tears running down their cheeks.

"Evelyn!" He gasped, his cheeks heating up, "whatever is wrong with you, let's go, come on." He took her arms off his neck and steered her away.

"By Pixy! Have fun!" Minho called.

Evelyn twisted around, grinning, she winked at Minho. "Oh I will! And Lover Boy, too!"

"Yeah he will!"

Newt ignored it all and guided her away a bit more forcefully.

"By little bird. It was fun hanging out with you." Gally called.

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